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 I stood near the open class door, looking straight at the bald headed, big bellied, short Principle. Who was raving on about something. I really deserved a golden globe for my acting. If anyone walked past me, they would think that my first day at a new school was completely normal. When in fact I was shitting myself inside. It didn't help that the students were staring at me as though I was a science experiment.

I hated attention. Hated It. I never participated in any activities , never raised my hand up in the air to answer a question, never spoke out in class or made jokes. Although my clothing choice and appearance got me enough attention alone: black skinny jeans, band tee, tattoos and facial piercings along with my black dyed hair. I preferred to stay true to myself and mind my own business. I wanted to go through life with as little drama as possible. Especially in senior year high school. My throat became dry as I felt them scrutinize me with their beady eyes. Most likely thinking "Should I classify him under hot or not?'', "Loner, freak or faggot combined", and "Will he be my next punching bag?''

Rubbing my tattooed hand together nervously and chewing on my lip ring, I whispered to my "Look away, look away". My heart hammered inside me, the noise resounding in my ears. My palms started sweating and my body tingling.

Why wont they look away?!

"Is that clear Franklin?''I cleared my throat discreetly and tried to maintain my cool. "Yes sir" I answered him even though I wasn't listening to single word he had said.

"Mr. Sawyer?'' The Principle said as he stepped in front of me. I let sigh in relief, when I was blocked from the student's view. "You have a new student this year,this is Franklin Iero." He stepped aside and gestured towards me."Just Frank." I butted in shyly.

"Ahh.." The tall, fairly young, blonde haired teacher with twinkling blue eyes and a dimple smile said as he got up from the seat. "Well Frank , I'm Mr. Sawyer, Welcome, welcome."

I fiddled with my tattooed fingers, swiping my thumb over the A on the forefinger of my right hand and gave him a small smile back.

"Off you go. Have a great day." I was surprised when the Principle gave me a kind smile.

"Thank you." I quietly told him and returned the smile. He gave my back a pat then left. Huh.... most adults aren't usually so ice to me they look at me and see nothing but a no good punk.

"Well, come on in Frank." Mr. Sawyer gestured me to come forward.

I pushed my bag further up my shoulder to stop it from slipping off, then walked forward and stood in front of the teacher's desk, my back to the rest of the class. I was always self-conscious of my butt, these skinny jeans were no help either. They just  exasperated it, making me feel worse.

"Okay..." Mr. Sawyer leaned forward to write something on a paper. "What's your last name Frank?'' He asked.

"Iero." I answered quietly.

He wrote my name on the top of the roll call list. He leant back again and was about to say something that all teachers say to new kids. Do you want to introduce yourself? If you say no, then they get the impression that you're bad, so basically you had no choice but to introduce yourself. I quickly grabbed the pen off his desk and scribble on my hand:

'Please don't make me introduce myself.'

He let a chuckle when he read the message on my palm."Okay." He said with amusement etched in his face. "Take a seat in any one of the spare seats."

 I chewed on my lip ring and slowly turned around, trying desperately not to meet anyone's eyes. Quickly glancing around the room I spot a spare seat in the back of the room. Located next to a guy with a big, black hoodie covering his face. 

As I carefully walked towards him- so I didn't trip over and make a fool out of myself- I could tell he was definitely taller than me. Although it wasn't hard to beat my 4'9".

Even though he had a hoodie on, I could see his black hair covering his pale face. His jaw was strong and he had rather small pink lips. I frowned slightly when I saw the bruise at the corner of his mouth.

What happened to him?

I shrugged the question away, reminding myself that it was none of my business, and quietly slipped into the seat next to him. As I sat i caught a whiff of his scent: coffee, cigarettes, and vanilla, how unusual but appealing. I pulled my book and pencil case out, ready to get some education, and looked up. People immediately whipped their heads to face the front room so I couldn't catch them watching me.

How ridiculous.

Mr.Sawyer started the lesson off by handing out revision papers to do for the hour. I was cool with that. I passed the mysterious stranger next to me an extra sheet. His warm fingers skimmed against my slender, cold ones. I briefly flicked my eyes up at him then back down at the question paper, feeling a bit awkward.

I easily breezed through the paper and finished off with fifteen minutes remaining. I leant back feeling overly proud of myself, then looked at the guy to see if he had finished. I was surprised to find out he hadn't even done one question. I stared at his fisted hand around the pencil then up at his hooded face. I couldn't tell what he was he was thinking, but I knew he was looking at the paper.

Didn't he know how to do it? Wasn't Mr. Sawyer a good teacher? I looked over at the Teacher to find him helping a girl in the front. I wrinkled my eyebrows then looked at the uncompleted paper. Should I help him out? I chewed my lip ring for a couple seconds, feeling indecisive, before finally deciding. I always had a weakness. It was to help people out when they needed it.

"D-do you need help?" I whispered to him, leaning forward a bit so no one could hear us.

He didn't say anything so I tried again.

"Want me to help you?''

I silently waited for a response but when I didn't get one, I eased away from him. Guess he didn't need any help. Finally getting a chance to study the people in my class,I looked around. Some of them were passing notes to one another, some trying to discreetly text or get answers from their friends. While other ignored them and focused on completing their work.

A typical high school class you could say. l looked away from them when I saw the hooded guy slowly push his paper in my direction, then placed the pencil on top. The corner of my mouth tugged up inn a smirk. Well looks like he does need help after all.

I grabbed the pencil and did all the questions. From the corner of my eye, I saw him take out a rather beaten up sketch book and start drawing. Furrowing my brows together I decide to just get back to the work in front of me.

I finished just as the bell rang and passed it over to him. What I wasn't expecting was to get a paper back.  Looking  down at it curiously, I unfolded and froze at the black and white drawing.

It was of me, leaning over the math worksheet with a pencil in my hand. He even got the scorpion on the side of my neck perfect. There was no colour to it, but I could imagine it my black fringe hanging my green eyed that had a look of determination in them.

I didn't even realize he was watching me the whole time. I looked at the bottom of the drawing to find small, neat, and curly two little word that brought a smile to my feminine looking face.

It said, 'Thank You'

Staring Down a Loaded Gunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें