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I slowly made my was outside the school building, thinking about what just happened a few moments ago.

He sure was a good artist, I must say.

I headed towards a big, willowy tree that had a round bench surrounding it's trunk. Keeping my head down as I walked I didn't notice the group of four boys, about 30-feet away from me, at a similar bench.

I sat down on the cool, shaded bench and took my sandwich out. Taking a bite out of it, I curiously studied the four boys because I had nothing better to do. I wasn't social so there was no way I was going to approach someone to be friends.

They were all dressed in dark clothes, mostly black and wearing converse, or combat boots. Two boys (one had light brown hair that was straightened and framed his face along with thick rimmed glasses, he was tall, lanky, and resemble a twig. The other had a huge  head of curly brown hair, his eyes were a matching brown. His build was a little taller than the skinny one and he was more muscular.) were roughly trying to shove each other off a bench.

Another boy stood in front of them with broad shoulders, standing tall with blonde hair that swept across his face, intense blue eyes and a black lip ring similar to my silver one. He was shouting encouraging words ( which contained a lot of swearing and threatening) at the curly haired guy. Occasionally giving the skinny guy a shove.

The curly haired guy fell on the ground and the skinny one stood up, pumping a fist in the air and shouting out " I WON, BITCH I WON!"


"Hey!" Skinny objected. His excitement short lived. Seems like he was the one that got bullied a lot in the group.

"THAT PIECE OF SH*T IS STRONG!" the curly one yelled back, trying to defend himself. His voice was a lot higher then I was expecting but it suited him well enough.

I raised an eyebrow and smirked at their immaturity as all three of them started pushing and threatening each other.

I looked away from them and moved my eyes to the last person in the group.  Subconsciously, my hand drifted over to the part of the bag where I kept the picture as I looked at him. He had removed his hoodie, but I could tell it was him. His long legs were bent in front of him and his bent was leaning against the tree trunk. Once again he seemed to be drawing, his black hair falling over his pale face.

I wrinkled my eyebrows and continued staring at him. He seemed very different to the other three boys. Almost as if he was part of the group, but..... kept to himself. You could see from the way he was sitting a little away from them. It was like he was in his own little bubble, completely ignoring everything and everyone around him.

I was so lost in trying to figure him out, I hadn't noticed a girl short blonde straight hair, stunning blue eyes and, an eyebrow piercing sit beside me.

"That's my twin brother" I jumped startled and around to look at the girl that had spoken. We stared at one another for a few seconds, in complete silence. "Who's your twin brother?"

She nodded casually at the boys casually "The blonde haired guy with the lip ring. His name's Bob."

I looked over at him then back at the girl, trying to find similarities. But since he was so far away, I could only tell that the hair was identical.

"The curly haired guy with the humongous grin, that's trying to imitate a gorilla is Ray Toro, and the skinny guy acting like a dog is Mikey Way." she continued on "The last one, who sits next to you in maths is Gerard Way. He and Mikey are brothers, although you wouldn't think that at first>'

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