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The Brain,

A machine of strength, knowledge and work.

A series of gears bringing a spark to a muscle,

Unused, uncommon to know how to use.

The Brain,

Thy trickster of life;

Caged, protected,

Capturer of thoughts, concerns, dreams, love and maybe thy light.

It will go off any minute,

Like a grenade burning your skin,

leaving you breathless from the surroundings within.

Leaving you unable to function, to move.

Oh, how I welcome thy Brain!

Of great machinery,

Guiding my thoughts, my nerves, and my limbs at best;

Providing me knowledge,

Providing me doubts

Of the neighboring crowd I see fogging my clouds.

I welcome thy machine,

Overpowering its cage,

Shattering me and its confinement

To let take over darkness;

By now my dear companion and nemesis to my existence.

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