8. (Don't) Try to Understand Your Neighbour

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I rolled a pen between my fingertips and tapped the end over my chin while I read the files Kai sent over. To my surprise, he was very good at his job, so I didn't understand why he didn't do it often.

His numbers were precise, and his words were articulate. His work looked like a professional with years of experience. Throughout the day, I saw him in his office or with other staff members; he appeared very professional and interested in his work. Even though he wasn't dressed properly, his aura matched his job title and position.

When I was done, I stared at the laptop screen while I recalled Kai's words from that afternoon. It seemed as if he was hellbent on rebelling against his father. He said something about being understood but didn't complete his sentence.

We had a not-bad morning together and he was somewhat tolerable. It sickened me to think that we had a little in common too but when he got upset, it almost felt as if he was disappointed in me.

Who am I for him to be disappointed in, anyway? I'm just doing my job.

My phone vibrated and snapped me out of my thoughts. I reached for it and a small smile grew over my lips when I read Ethan's name.

Ethan: How was your first day at your sort of new job?
Clover: I might need to get back to you on that.
Ethan: That bad huh?
Clover: Not bad but not good either. I might lose my hair by the time the year is over.
Ethan: Haha! I think you'd pull off being bald.
Clover: Not better than you!

Ethan and I texted back and forth, and our little conversation made me smile and forget about my long day. That was until Ethan had to go and reminded me to have dinner. My stomach only stopped hurting in the early evening and I knew it would've started again once I had dinner.

I tapped my stomach. "Please behave."

Thankfully, I still had the chicken Ethan packed for me. Just as I opened the fridge, I recalled Kai's words from earlier about eating alone. I stared at the food that was way too much for me and had a mental debate.

Many people don't even eat so why should he complain about eating alone? Besides, I eat alone too and it's quite solacing.

But can he cook? Does he have an Ethan in his life who sends over food for him too? Or does he just eat junk? No, he's too fit for that. And I mean fit as in healthy not attractive!

"Ugh," I sighed and rubbed over my forehead. "Working hours are over, why am I stressing over this?"

Not even fifteen minutes later I stood outside Kai's door with Tupperware's of food in my hands. I rang the bell thrice already and there wasn't an answer. I decided to ring it once more and if he didn't open it, I was going to leave.

I pressed the bell for the last time and waited. Either Kai wasn't home, or he purposely ignored me. I thought it was the latter because that's what I would've done.

After a few minutes, I gave up and turned to leave but just then the door opened. I turned back around and was greeted by a straight-faced Kai.


"I thought..." I trailed off and realised he was half naked... again.

I pulled a face and looked at the door hinges instead of him. "Why are you always naked?"

"Why do you always show up uninvited?"

Without looking at him, I lifted the Tupperware in my hands. "I brought food."

"As a peace offering?"

My eyes instinctively moved back to him. "I wasn't aware we were at war."

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