10. (Not) Part of The Job

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With furrowed brows and curious eyes, I watched Kai. He seemed fine a second ago and then just froze. However, my curiosity quickly turned into panic when Kai made a gagging sound.  

I stood up and put a good distance between us immediately. With my hands out, I watched him follow my steps. He moved toward me, and I took more steps backward.  

"No matter how shitty I look right now, I am not a bathroom," I said. "Get away from me."  

Kai ignored my words and before I could've gone any further, he let go of his mouth and grabbed my shoulders. He moved in close to me and made another gag noise. I was ready to flip him around cheek down onto the bar, but his laughter stopped me.  

Kai's eyes lit up as he laughed. His breath reeked of alcohol but the joy on his face was something I'd never seen before.  

"Got ya," he smiled widely.  

I shoved him off. "You're not funny."  

"Don't kid yourself, you want to laugh."  

"You wouldn't be laughing if I Seoi Nage you into tomorrow!" 

Kai's brows lifted in amusement. "Don't talk sexy to me, I'm a taken man."  

His words caught me off guard because he genuinely seemed taken by my response. "I wasn't trying to –" 

"No one, let alone a woman has ever used Judo lingo with me." Kai cleared his throat and unwound his shoulders. "It's hot."  

This time both my brows raised. "Did you just call me hot?"  

Kai's awkward stance was immediately replaced with his usual annoyed demeanour. "Judo is hot not you. Don't flatter yourself." He pulled the chair I sat on with his foot. "Sit. I'm not going to throw up."  

I sighed. "I think we should leave."  

"There is no 'we' so please," Kai gestured to the exit. "Be my guest but don't expect me to follow." 

Kai ordered another double and other than those damned cherry tomatoes and olives, he hadn't eaten a thing since breakfast.  

"I pity your liver," I muttered as I moved to my seat. "I think you should eat something filled with carbs if you're going to drink more."  

"And I don't care about what you think," Kai said sarcastically.  

"I'm only speaking from experience," I said honestly. "I've drank on an empty stomach, and it wasn't a good experience."  

"I thought you don't do well with alcohol."  

Isn't he observant? I didn't think he'd remember the little things I told him.  

"That is exactly why." 

"Well," Kai looked into my eyes and popped an olive into his mouth. "I'm not you. I know my body."  

"I know my body," I muttered forty minutes later.  

Kai was officially hammered and had a stupid umbrella he stole from the bar in his ears. He must've eaten at least two dozen cherry tomatoes and olives. I ordered him real food, but he refused to eat like a stubborn child.  

"I think they're the size of fully grown tomatoes," he randomly said.  

My eyes stung from tiredness. I rested my head against the corner of my palm and my weight sat on my elbows. Kai talked utter rubbish that made no sense as he got more drunk.  

"Did you know that honey is bee vomit?" Kai drunkenly spoke. "Or was it semen? My mind is a little foggy."  

"Did you know that I'm two minutes away from slapping you?"  

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