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"Hey! Jessieeeee!!!!! Are you ready yet??" I heard my best friend Johnnie call from downstairs. "Yeah yeah. Give me like 2 minutes please!" I yelled back down. I giggled to myself because he started counting from the living room. We are going to a Dance Gavin Dance concert, my favorite band. This is the second show I've been to, the first one was when they still had Kurt Travis. Now they have Tilian Pearson and he is honestly my favorite. His voice gives me chills and not to mention, but damn he is hot! "Two minutes ended like 30 years ago!!!" Johnnie whined standing in the door way of my bathroom, snapping me out of my thoughts making me jump a little. "Fricken hell Jonnie! You scared me!" "Well sorry! What were you thinking about?? You looked concentrated, haha" He laughed at you. "None of your business!" I scoffed at him. He just glared at me, he knew I was lying. I put the finishing touches on my make-up and run to put on my newest DGD shirt. I slide it over my head and look in the mirror. Hell yeah! I looked amazing! I slip on my bright orange vans and my bracelets before running out the front door with Johnnie, both of us yelling and jumping from excitement.

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