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I see Jess walking back over to me looking scared, mad, sad, and freaked out. "What the hell is wrong?" I ask hugging her. She's shaking, oh god. She looks up at me and sniffs "I lost my phone Johnnie. I don't have money to buy a new one. I'm a poor college student who got kicked out of her dad's house and had to intrude on her mom in her tiny house. That phone was my only way of getting to work and to class because my stupid piece of shit car doesnt work half the time." Oh my god, this poor girl. I love her because she's my best friend, she was the only one who supported me when I told everyone that I'm gay. "Hey Jess, don't worry honey. I'll get you a phone and we'll save up for a car okay?"

"Johnnie, you don't have to. Its okay. I'll figure it out okay?" "No, I don't have to. I want to." "Damn Johnnie. Fine. Thank you so much" I hugged him. I turned around and the doors are opening. Everyone in line starts yelling and cheering causing me to forget about my nerves and my problems. I'm going to have a good night and nothing can stop me\(^o^)/

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