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Tilian and the guys get is in the venue first and we are now waiting in the front row. I never thought I would be here. This is the most amazing day of my life! We are waiting for about 15 minutes before they start letting everyone else in. There's a group of girls that race up towards us and stand next to me. I know they are glaring at me but I don't give 2 fucks about them and their opinions.

*30 minutes later because magical time skip powers*

I was talking to Johnnie and then I hear the crowd start screaming and going crazy. I look up to see the guys running out and being very energetic. I love it haha. They asks us how we're doing and get a deafening roar in response. Tilian talks a little more, then they start playing On The Run, one of my favorites. Before they start playing We Own the Night, Matt calls out from his drums in the back "Hey, okay guys. So before we play We Own the Night, I want a beautiful, no sorry, a gorgeous girl to come up on stage with us! How about....." Every girl in the crowd was screaming and freaking out, I just blushed knowing that they were going to pick me. "...you!" Matt points at me with his drum stick. I shake my head and the security helps me up on stage. Jon smirks, "Kay guys. This is Jessie, we met her earlier and she is the raddest person ever. Wait, do you know to play this song on any instrument??" I slowly nod my head yes. "I can play it pretty well on the bass" I glance at Tim. He chuckles and takes his bass off and gives it to me. "Pretty and talented" Matt tells from he back. The crowd explodes with laughter and cheers. My hands are starting to shake but when Matt starts to count off my fingers automatically know what to do. I'm pretty amazed at what I can do hah. When it's over, the guys seemed amazed at what I can do too. I was embarrassed but proud. I walked to the edge but someone pulled on my arm. I turned around and Tilian smashed his lips into mine. The crowd roars. The fireworks are there, it's perfect. I melt into the kiss and I never want it to end. But it does. Tilian slowly pulls away and blushes. I blush a deep crimson and look down. I look up at him and smile widely, he grins back. I walk to the edge and the security helps me down. The girls who were standing next to me looked mortified. The 'leader' of the group connected her fist with my nose and I stumbled back bumping into Johnnie. Oh hell no!! That bitch did NOT just hit me. Before security could grab either one of us I kicked her square in the face. After that Tilian looked very surprised, standing on stage with his mouth open looking at me. I shrug as security takes that other girl and her friends out. Its very quiet until I tell at Tilian to continue which snaps him out of his trance.

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