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We are now 10 people back.....5.....3....0. Oh man. Tim smiles and waves at me. I walk up and give him a hug. He signs my shirt and I walk to where Jon and Will are sitting. For some odd reason I think Tilian is staring at me, but why? I shrug it off like nothing. I get my stuff signed and finally I'm standing in front of Tilian. He gives me a hug and places something in my hand. I look down at what it is. My phone!! "Oh my god! Thank you so much!!! I thought that I had lost it!" He smiles, "No problem gorgeous". Oh my god. Did he just say that?? THE Tilian Pearson just called me gorgeous. I look down and blush. That's when I realized that he can see my scars, I try to hide them but its too late. He grabs my hands and pulls me into a hug. "Don't harm yourself love. You're too beautiful and whatever someone has said or done to make you do this, they are idiots and they deserve to die" I smile into his chest and look up at him. "Thanks" I grin.

It makes me sad to see her scarred like that. I know that I can't help her past but I want to be there for her future. I need to help her. Suddenly, an idea strikes. "Hey! Would you and your boyfriend come back after the show and hang with us and possibly get dinner or something?" She cringed at the word boyfriend but she laughs, what the hell? She grins "Johnnie isn't my boyfriend, he's gay. And yes we would love to go with you guys!" Well now I feel like an idiot.

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