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Before we leave, I make sure Johnnie has the tickets and passes for the meet and greet. I've never been more excited in my life. "Mkay lady, we're heeereeee!!!" Johnnie yelled in my face. I don't say anything in response because I'm way too nervous and with social anxiety, it makes everything worse. He notices and grabs my hand. "You'll be alright, okay? I know you are scared of huge crowds but it's okay." I smile back and squeeze his hand. He suddenly pulls away and jumps out of the car, yelling, screaming and running. I laugh and get out to go meet with him. The line is already pretty long, making me more nervous than I already was. Johnnie decides to wait in line saving our spots so I can go walk around and calm down before this whole deal. I sit down on the curb and realize that I'm shaking. "What the hell is wrong with you? It hasn't even started yet and you're already freaking out. Chill the f out man" I mumble to myself. I move my bracelets and start gently tracing my scars without noticing, it's a habit that I can't break. It calms me down and I'm not sure why. I check my phone. Twenty minutes till doors open. I decide to start heading back when I hear a bus pull up about 12 feet from me. "Holy shit. It's them" I whisper, then get embarrassed when I remember that I'm alone and nobody else can hear me. The door opens and out walks Will Swan with Tim Feerick over his shoulders laughing hystarically. Jon Mess runs out with Matt Mingus' drum sticks, then as I expected Matt jumps out chasing Jon and yelling at him. I'm glad that nobody looked in my direction. If they had it would have been awkward. I start to walk away and then I realize that I didn't see Tilian get off the bus. I turn back to the guys, walking backwards. That's when I see the man of my dreams step off the bus. He looks up and breathes in the Colorado mountain air, then checks out his surroundings. I see him staring at me with his mouth slightly open. I blush and spin around making my long teal hair sway. I run my hand through my hair and sigh, I secretly hope he thinks I'm pretty.

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