Chapter 41 - Stu Shea

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They found their room pleasant enough. The manager opened the door and let them go in first. "Nice room, nice room." Harry walked quickly to the bed and threw his bag on the floor near it. Sara stood by the door looking around as if for something wrong.

"There's only one bed," Harry said nonchalantly.

"Yes, nice bed."

Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out money, flipped through it and pulled out a bill, handed it to the manager who turned to leave.

"I'm hungry," she said. She walked past him and put her bags on the tray intended for the bags.

"Wait a moment," Harry said, and the man stopped and turned. Harry gave him some more money, "Could you please send up something to eat, some bottles of mineral water and a bottle of whiskey or," and he paused long enough for Sara to add Ouzo.

She walked into the bathroom and closed the door. He looked out the window and stepped onto the porch. Their room was high above the other buildings and he could see to the Aegean and the sun glittering on the waves. It looked like a steady stream of ships flowing into the Port. He wondered what she could be doing in there. He walked over to listen and heard the shower. He cracked the door and steam poured out.


"Just checking on you. You've been in there a while."

"I'll only be a minute. Wait."

He went to the phone and dialed the desk again. He asked the clerk to find and dial the number for Trireme industries, "Look for Romanov." He waited and the clerk called back. Harry spoke with the woman on the other end and made an appointment for the next day to see him. He'd tell Sara later, or maybe not at all.

There was a knock on the door and he answered it. A boy stood with an elaborate tray of food; fresh fruit, bread, butter and a bowl of honey. Under a cloche was scrambled eggs and bacon. Over his shoulder he had a basket from which he produced a bottle of Ouzo, and one of whiskey.
The boy smiled and his white teeth gleamed from his smooth brown skin. He had blue eyes and thick curly hair, and was about 13 years old. He looked like the manager, only younger.

Harry let in the room. "What's your name?"

"Gus." Harry tipped him and he left. Examining the tray he found the map of Greece he ordered, and opened it up and immediately circled some key cities starting with Athens, and Troizen. And he waited for Sara.

He was leaning over the railing and enjoying the view, lost in memory. She was behind him, naked but for a towel she held loosely to cover herself. He turned to face her and blushed. She pulled him into the room. The towel fell to the floor and she backed away from him and sat on the bed. He came towards her but she wouldn't let him touch her until he took off his clothes keeping him at bay with an out-stretched arm.

Her hair fell playfully in wet strands over her shoulders, tiny droplets of water beaded on her smooth tanned skin. He pulled her up to him still standing and held her tightly. She ran her hands over his back and he buried his face in her neck tenderly licking the water from her shoulder. She threw her head back and shifted her weight turning him onto his back on top of the bed.

They stayed in bed until the sun began to fall over the city, lying silently on their backs side by side, listening to the sounds of life outside. A light breeze blew and cooled their warm moist bodies. A fallow sun shone on the wall hitting the mirror and reflecting on them. Ships' horns boomed in the distance, cars driving up and down the street, people talking on their way to dinner, or back from work, children playing; all sounds growing in the darkening light. The hotel balconies scattered with guests enjoying the view.

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