Chapter 48 - Early Breakfast

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Sara got up early hoping not to bother anyone else. The window was open and it was still dark, but a cool moist air came in. A single bird chirped close by. She had some time before sunrise and wanted a shower. The bathroom had everything she needed, even shaving cream which she would use. The room was as luxurious as everything in it. The old tiles had been update, and the fixtures were modern. The gas lights were still kept in top working condition, and the old pulley system that ran the dumbwaiters worked like a charm.

She went downstairs in the quiet house thinking she might make walk the gardens. In the kitchen though, Helen was busy cooking. Bread was baking in the oven and some sat already on the counter cooling. She wondered when she slept. She had breakfast ready; sliced bread with butter and jam, Turkish coffee, yogurt and a bowl of fruit. She was hungry and ate. Bacon and eggs followed.

"I had wanted to let Harry sleep," she explained. The woman smiled.

"Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I do. Eat."

Helen opened a tiny door, which was very thick and graduated like that of a vault, but wooden. Cool air came into the kitchen and she walked into a cloud of steam and came out moments later with a large leg of lamb in her arms. She hung it on a hook by the sink on a rope already tied to it as it hung in the cooler. The ball joint protruded somewhat from the meat which had shrunk a bit from drying. The meat was dark and looked spoiled. She watched it as it swung back and forth. Helen had provided a paper for her to read but it was in Greek and she contented herself to watch her while she ate.

The bread was rich and warm, the jam tart but sweet and very smooth with large bits of black raspberries. The yogurt was plain and she spooned a bit of the jam into it enough to take away the tartness. Somehow she made perfectly cooked over easy eggs with thick bacon coated in coarse ground black pepper, all while going outside and in with arms full of flowers and herbs

She worked quietly, busy for one household, and once in a while stealing a look at Sara. She wondered how many people there were to feed, it seemed so small a staff. In the stone wall she opened a small iron door and flames popped out. Helen threw a few pieces of wood in and stoked the fire and shut the doors with a clang. Then she opened the large oven door above and pulled out a loaf of bread with a peel and set it on the rack to cool. The rich smell of burning wood wafted through the air. Sara remembered the smell of little patio fire in Costa Rica when she walked in on Harry and Consuela.

"I like that," she said aloud.

"What is it you like?" It was Harry who stood behind. He sat down.

"Good morning Helen, "he said in Greek. David walked in joined by Dimitri.

"Good morning Helen, Boss," Dimitri said. He looked at Harry, "You get that out for a spin yet?" Then he smiled at Sara, "Good morning miss."

Harry smiled and shook his head unable to get a word in. Stabros lumbered in large and quiet, he sat at the one end of the large table and immediately food was passed to him. He smiled and said hello, his deep voice boomed and commanded the chorus of noises. He scooped a large bowl of yogurt and poured honey on it.

In moments, they all had food before them and were talking loudly reaching for butter and jam passing around the pitcher of Orange juice, and bacon and the food was served on platters, enough for many more and it amazed Harry how unassuming this all was. Chaotic and random yet not without order. The place was busy and work had to be done at all times. There were a lot of mouths to feed.

David looked at his guests and said, "Usually, this place would be full of people coming and going, but we are on vacation time. No tourists this week, just socializing for us. My assistant runs the museum, while I am going to the beach, and Chris."

After everyone had eaten and sat back to talk about the day's plans, Helen was still busy preparing food, and Martha came in and helped.

"My wife usually helps out in the kitchen when we are low staffed." Harry noticed people walking through the building thinking it was the same one twice but not really sure. A young man with sandy-colored hair came into the kitchen. Stabros and Dimitri both got up to leave, and make room for others.

" I'd like you to meet Julian, my assistant. He actually does most of the work here at the library."

Julian clicked his tongue. "Nonsense. Don't let him fool you. Without David, the whole place descends into utter chaos. Isn't that right River Man?"

"I merely guide the boat."

"Well, I'm famished." And he sat at the table and started filling his plate. "Stabros, you won't forget to take care of those roses will you?"

"Got it maestro. Great meal Helen," he said leaving the kitchen.

Everyone that came and went into the kitchen gave their due respect to the chef. It was a Thursday, which meant business as usual at the library and vendors had deliveries and packages.

"There won't be too many visitors today," David said. "Mostly we require appointments but very often, the public is allowed daily between 11:00 and 3:00."

As they left the kitchen, Harry's curiosity got the better of him and he asked Helen about the lamb.

"It is very dark. Almost crusty."

"Yes. We age it in a cool but not cold storage. It makes the meat more tasty. You will be here for lunch?"

David looked at him, "You are welcome to stay Harry, but I am leaving for the island and was hoping you might come along." When he hesitated, David added, "Chris will be thrilled to see you."

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