Chapter 44 - The Curator

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They walked around the library towards David's home. The smell of pine filled the dry air. Crickets chirped lightly and stopped when they got close. The structure was old, but not by ancient standards; built in the waning days of the imperial reign of Greece' kings. Small lanterns attached to posts lighted the way, and they came to a large copse of Oleander and passed through the arch. They were at the back door, a dim light came from the kitchen, sounds of cooking. A woman spoke quickly in a loud voice. Harry anticipated Chris. David turned to them before they entered and said, "Helen, the cook. We love her."

She was chasing a little boy around the room, laughing; a squid in his hands. It slipped out onto the floor at Harry's feet. He stooped to pick it up and handed it to the cook.

"Helen, my two friends will be joining us for dinner tonight. Is that Okay?"

"Sure," she said. She tossed the squid into the sink with the others.

They passed on, "She won't forgive me bringing strangers into her kitchen."

Sara was behind David and let out a tiny gasped when she walked into the large living room, designed to impress it had tall ceilings with long walls filled with books and photos. The fireplace and furniture reminiscent of a stately English mansion. "Wow," she said.

There was a fireplace in the middle of the long room with furniture gathered around it. A sturdy table between two leather chairs, backgammon game opened and ready for play. At the other end of the room - the dining table next to the kitchen. It all looked much like western culture, not Eastern, not Greek.

David pulled a fustian chord. "Is this what you expected?"

Sara turned to him and closed her mouth. "I don't know. I guess I expected pillows, and lacy veils and a eunuch with girls."

"Statue of Achilles battling the Trojans?" Harry said.

"I suppose so. It looks all too majestic."

"But Chris keeps it simple. We've been here too long not to keep it livable. You should see the storage room."

"Where is Chris?" Harry asked eagerly.

"She' at the beach house. I'll be going there tomorrow."

"Too bad. Give her my love, will you?"

"She'd be upset with us both if she didn't see you Harry. She's in love with you, you know."

He pulled the chord again and an middle-aged woman came in silently from the kitchen. "I thought you'd like a drink," he said to them both. "Ouzo Martha, please."

She left and came back with a tray of glasses and a bucket of ice and put it down on a table by the window. David walked over to it and opened up the top exposing a variety of bottles. "As much as we practice, she will not pour the drinks. Ice Sara?"

She looked at Harry for help and he smiled. "Yes," he said on her behalf, "You had better. Me too."

They toasted and sipped their cocktails. Martha came back in with a bowl of salted nuts. David took some. "Would you please excuse me for a moment?"

He turned and left the room leaving his drink on the table next to the backgammon board.

"I think we should ask him for help," Harry said in a whisper.

"Are you crazy? People seem to die when they get involved with us Harry. Besides, we have Stu. It's his job."

"Really? Isn't that an exaggeration." He pleaded with her. "Just a little about the culture, the whole swastika thing, the Count Bruno connection. I especially want to know about Crete."

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