A Father that does NOT care

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Five years later, the count put both daughters up for slave trade sales.  The white haired girl was separated from her sister and at night would break out of her cage and slit the guards throats while everyone was sleeping and then she would run to the forest. Once the count heard the news, he punched his and shouted a fowl word then said, put up a bounty on her head! I don't care about the wretched beast! 

The girl was listening from behind a window until she heard him say that and she jumped off of the rooftop, flipping halfway in md-air and landing in a pile of hay, then she jumps out and ran on all fours, being chased by the guards until she was out of the property. As she was entering the forest, an arrow fell and hit her left arm, piercing her elbow. She grunts and tears it out before wrapping herself with cloth made from deer hide. 

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