Kagura's explained emotions

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Miles stops and said, before I let you into the village, I need to know something,

and you have to promise me!

Abby yawned and said, oh, hey sis, sorry you had to carry me again...

Kagura looked behind her and said, its fine. We'll always have each others backs, right?

anyways, we can talk later. what did you want me to promise you, Miles?

Miles smiled and tilted his head then lifts a finger and said, absolutely no violence.

you're only being allowed in to help my people.

And when I finish?

that all depends on just how well you do, if you succeed.

Abby raised her hand then said, I have a question!

Miles looked at her and said, go ahead.

Abby asks, do you remember the incident from back when I was injured in the forest?

Miles nods and said, yes I do. Kagura wouldn't let me near you until you were healed.

But I don't Understand why she only cares about you and not a cent about herself.

Why is that? Do you know, Abby?

Abby smiled and said, why else? I'm the only one that ever cared about her and showed her the meaning of love.

When Kagura and I were kids, we made a vow to always have each others back and help each other no matter what.

We stopped feeling emotions towards our parents when we turned six years old. All due to the hatred and spite they threw at us, not to mention the abuse.

So its only natural that she wouldn't know how it is to care about herself.

she only knows how to put those she does care about most, first.

Miles nods and said, I see. come on this way, my people are still suffering.

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