Abby's Imprint

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The Alpha stops her by asking, Do you even have a place to call home anymore? She told me what he did, she can't go back. She'll just end up running away again. Abby stops and said, you maybe right, but I will fid her again. The voice says, you will only be putting her through countless amounts of pain and torture. Abby looked over shoulder at Kagura and asks what am I to do then?

The alpha steps out of the woods and said, come with us, your sister has already proven her worth, and you seem to be inseparable from her.

Kagura used her claws to slash abby's back as h growled and Abby fell to one knee and dropped her sister before saying, good to see you too sis. Abby's eyes glowed red and the alpha said, that's quite enough!

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