Chapter 25: Southern Islands part 1: Awesome or Light?

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A month had passed since Alex got sick, and now Alex and Elton, alongside guildmaster Altaria, Farfetch'd, and the esteemed members of Team Light, were sailing towards the Southern Islands of Siril. The decision to entrust this crucial mission to Team Awesome was not arbitrary but rooted in two pivotal reasons that echoed throughout the guild's halls.

Firstly, Team Light, renowned for their strategic prowess and battle finesse, were captivated by Team Awesome's burgeoning reputation. Rumors of their triumph over legendary Pokémon had spread like wildfire, and Team Light, ever hungry for worthy adversaries, eagerly proposed a friendly skirmish upon reaching the Southern Islands. The air was charged with anticipation as both teams eagerly anticipated the clash of skills and strategies.

Secondly, guildmaster Altaria, the grumpy guildmaster, had been closely monitoring Alex and Elton's remarkable growth within the guild. The tales of their exploits and their unwavering dedication had reached Altaria's keen ears, piquing curiosity and admiration. The Southern Islands, with their treacherous terrain and formidable challenges, presented a perfect testing ground to evaluate the true extent of Team Awesome's capabilities.

As the ship cut through the cerulean waves, Elton couldn't contain his curiosity. He leaned in, his eyes glinting with intrigue, and prodded Alex for the untold details of his encounter with Andrea Vexus, the elusive billionaire whose enigmatic presence had shrouded that fateful day when illness had befallen Alex. Elton's inquiries delved deep into the dynamics of their interactions during those vulnerable days, including the nights when Andrea had chosen to stay by Alex's side, offering comfort and care that transcended mere acquaintance.

Elton leaned in, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Come on, Alex, spill the details. What really happened between you and Andrea Vexus? I saw you two making out the second day you were sick and by the way, next time you get sick, I will still sleep with Team Fuse. You two make it weird."

Alex's expression remained composed as he replied, "We're just friends, Elton. Nothing more. And we did not make out."

Elton scoffed, shaking his head. "Just friends? Don't play coy with me. I know what I saw."

Before the conversation could escalate further, Farfetch'd interjected, fixing Alex with a serious gaze. "Elton might be onto something. It's not every day we see you so guarded about a friendship."

Alex shrugged nonchalantly, his mind drifting back to Andrea's embrace and soothing purrs. "There's nothing to tell. She's a friend, that's all."

Deep in his thoughts, Alex couldn't deny the comfort he had found in Andrea's presence during those vulnerable days. Yet, he chose to keep those memories locked away, buried beneath layers of secrecy.

Florges of Team Light interjected with a gentle tone, "Perhaps we shouldn't dwell too much on that topic, dear Elton. Some things are better left to unfold on their own."

Metagross, the stalwart member of Team Light, chimed in with a metallic sigh, "I'll certainly miss Alcremie, our head chef. Andrea's decision to fire that incredible chef..."

Elton, feeling a bit defeated in his quest for information, turned his gaze towards the rhythmic waves, contemplating the mysteries that lay beneath.

Meanwhile, Alex remained lost in thought, his mind wandering back to the moments shared with Andrea. He couldn't deny the connection he felt, yet he wasn't ready to label it as anything more than friendship. Just as he delved deeper into his thoughts, Farfetch'd interrupted with an informative tone.

"Enough dwelling on mysteries, everyone!" Farfetch'd announced, capturing the group's attention. "Let me enlighten you about the Southern Islands. They are home to Pokémon with fascinating forms, influenced by the sun's light and the unique terrain."

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