Moving Into The New House

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I wake up from my bed and get changed into some new clothes I also brought and got ready to start moving into the new house. I got into the car with my mom and waved good bye to Mitch and John as my mom started driving away.

Once we got at our now old house I started packing all my stuff up in boxes which took me a good 5 hours seeing how much crap I have in my room.
Then I went downstairs with all my boxes and started loading them into the car and drove off with my mom to the new house.

💥💥💥time skip yo when they get to the house💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

Once we got there I unlocked the door and noticed that neither Mitch or John was there. they are probably getting their stuff too. I headed off to my room and unpacked everything and painted my walls a nice Aqua blue. I must say it looks really pretty with all my posters and paintings.

I then went across the hall to paint Mitch's room a checkered red and black which was surprisingly not that hard at all done since i'm quite good at art. when Mitch came home and tackled me to the ground and said "its bootyful " "thank you " I said.

He then said "are you exited for the trip coming up " "totally " then started to day dream about Lachlan again. I just don't know why but whenever someone says Lachlan I daze off into my own little world. I must really like him!!

He then said " Izzy you there " "huh oh, yay what about the ski trip again" he said " you need to start pack 6 more days okay so get ready. Oh and we are there for 3 weeks just saying."

So I'm gonna have to pack a lot. Geebiz.
(Famous quote from The MrWoofles himself)
Oh and by the way there will be updates coming around one-three chapters everyday for constant updates
And I hope y'all chikkys have a wonderful day.

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