You What?

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I woke up to Lachlan rubbing my hand crying silently mumbling something ."Lachlan?"i said."Izzy!" "Hey""Izzy!" He hugged me then mumbled something again."huh" I said. "n..nothing" "tell me what you said""it was nothing" " I heard something so you said something" " fine....IlikeyouIzzyandhaveeversinceyoushowedupherewhichwastwodayssgo"
He said really fast. "what say it slower" "Izzy I like you" what he said shocked me."I like you too Ozzy boy".

And with that we started staring into each others eyes and started leaning in and before I new it their were those sparks again. after 10 seconds of kissing the pack walked in and saw us kissing and Jerome pulled his phone and took a picture saying "got it" we pulled pulled apart and snapped our heads groaning "Jerome" and started blushing like crazy.

Vikk then said "so is #Lachabella a thing or what" Lachlan then turned to me saying" do you want to" I kiss his cheek saying "does that answer your question" "#lachabella for the win bitches" Lachlan said"look who are the single ones now"

The nurse then came in and let me go saying I have many cuts and bruises on my arms and legs and to make sure I stay off of my legs for today.Lachlan picked me up bridal style with out me knowing"Lachlan!" I screamed "what I'm just carrying my girlfriend into the car?" "Fine" He sat me in a chair in the waiting room waiting for the others to sign the papers.

just then a girl with brown hair sat down next to me and stared at it for a while then started to sob loudly."whats wrong?" I asked her. "My boyfriend broke up with me...... over text."and she started sobbing again I tried to comfort her but she wouldn't stop so I said "hey there are plenty more Fish in the sea"as my friends came walking over "for instinse that group of people walking over to us are my friends and are quite attractive if I must say"she looked up and looked at one and said "who's the Tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes" "Mitch" "huh nice name""hey Why don't you text me sometime"then I gave her my phone number and said"bye" and Lachlan carried me out the door and into the van on his lap playing with my hair.

Then I started falling asleep.......

Hey Chikkys I hope y'all liked this chapter and remember to comment like and follow for my new books coming out soon.

It All Started With A Death, TheBajanCanadian and The Pack FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now