Chapter 5: Allegiance

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Zelda's POV: "These devices are so..... interesting Mineru there far different than the technology I studied." I said as I sat on the new machine she had shown me. It was bigger than a horse.

"Yes, I made this mechsuit so when my body perishes, I can move my spirit to this." She replied. "I see," said I.

"Perhaps I can train with it. With the constructs, " She said to me. The mechanism walked toward 5 battle constructs patrolling the castle. "I'll tell then to attack," she said, pressing a button on the wall.

The constructs suddenly turned toward me and the mech and began gliding our way, weapons drawn.

The mech construct had a spikeball attached to it as well as a cannon. The mech began smashing and blasting all of the constructs to pieces. "Incredible" was all I could say.

Link's POV: I pulled the string of my bow back as my eyes focused on the target: A bear I was about to release when Rauru whispered in my ear "we have 20 more minutes until Sonia starts to yell about how Ganondorf is coming soon" He said.

I was so startled I lost my balance and shot at the tree
above him. He turned to me, growled, and began to charge me. "See what you did?!" I hissed at him as I drew the zonai sword he had gifted me. Its blue blade emerged from the handle. "I was just warning you!" He said, drawing and arrow.

I slashed at his face, and he jumped away, still leaving himself open. I lunged at him, but he smacked me with his paw, leaving bloody claw marks on my face.

I sucked in a breath and focused on where to hit, I felt Rauru's eyes searching for the right place to shoot.

I slashed at his leg this time, causing him to rear back and growl. He lunged to bite me. But I dodged at the last second, using my Champion's ability to land 10 slashes to his right.

Rauru released an arrow on his side, causing him to yelp and bite his arm. This was the perfect chance. I landed the killing blow on his neck. He unfortunately bit MY arm before he died, but I was semi ok.

"Sorry." Rauru said, shrugging apologetically. "Let's just skin him and bring it back, Your Majesty," I mumbled, wiping some blood off my mouth.

We skinned it and bundled up its meat, both of us carrying half. We heard a ringing sound, and Rauru's eyes widened. "The bell! Sonia's gonna kill us, " He said, running toward the castle. I followed not far behind.

Zelda's POV: "Where have you boys been!?" Sonia asked Rauru and Link. They were bloody and had dirt all over them. "Oh my." I mumbled. "Rauru is so much like Link." I said to myself.

"Get cleaned up at once! And please hurry." She said to them. Rauru laughed a little and walked into another room.

"The Gerudo will be here very soon," Sonia said.

Ganondorf walked up the entrance to The Great Plateau with his mothers behind him. "Ganondorf, who are you planning on killing first?" Kotake asked. "Probably King Rauru, if I can get close enough somehow. Or the Queen, " He said. "Hyrule will be mine in no time," He said.

Ganondrf didn't originally want to rule Hyrule. He just wanted to live peacefully. But then the Zonai came from the sky, proclaiming themselves as gods. Attempting to ally with the other tribes.

And then Rauru decided to establish a kingdom, and all other races had to swear fealty to him or possible war. And he was supposed to be ok with it?

Over. his. dead. body.

He wanted to take back the kingdom to be rid of the barbaric tribe and establish his own rule.

He walked past the guards who recognized him easily. And entered the throne room.

Link's POV: I stood by Queen Sonia's throne as a dark, dark skinned handsome gerudo male entered. He was followed by two women with golden masks, I sensed evil in them, and him.

He and his comrades kneeled before the Royal couple. "Allow me to offer you my deepest apologies. On behalf of the Gerudo. For taking so long to accept your repeated invitations." He said. My eyes narrowed. I didn't trust him.

"It is our desire to be accepted into the protective embrace of your kingdom. To serve it faithfully." He continued. I rolled my eyes.

A welcome appeal, Ganondorf. I accept your vow of fealty to the kingdom of Hyrule, " He said. A feeling of surprise erupted in me.

"I understand that a single male is born to the Gerudo every one hundred years. Receiving such an appeal from you, a hero to his people and a king by birth... well, it is truly reassuring, " He continued.

Ganondorf lowered his head. "It is, my honor."

"I am honored. I hear that when the Zonai tribe descended from the heavens, they appeared precisely like gods. For his majesty, a descendent, to take a daughter of the Hyrule clan in marriage... He is one who makes his own way to rule the world beyond tribes. It's a spectacle... But to think that the noble Zonai tribe would perish with only his majesty and his older sister remaining... Indeed, it is regrettable." He smirked.

"Even if something were to happen to me, both my kingdom and the peace it brings would endure for ages to come," Rauru defended.

They were in a glare battle for a few seconds before Rauru spoke.

"Your actions today are appreciated Ganondorf. I look forward to our future endeavors. You may leave." He said.

Ganondorf bowed his head then stood. "Your Majesty." He closed his fist and turned, signaling for the Gerudo to stand and left.

The princess turned to the king. "King Rauru, I sense evil in that man. Even his name gives me pause......"

I felt the same. Ganondorf sounded like Ganon and also..... I was getting a headache just thinking about it. Ganondorf sounding similar to Ganon wasn't the only thing familiar.... I felt like I had heard this name many other times. But this was like I'd known the name for..... I don't know how long.

"I know. I Specifically invited him so I could keep a close eye on him. It will be fine Zelda."

If things had been different حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن