12 | Pen

79 1 0

Zayn's POV

I strode back into the restaurant, my gaze sweeping across the room. "Is there anything I can help you with?" One of the workers asked.

Ignoring him, I proceeded directly to the table where Aurora and I had been seated. Grabbing the check, I navigated to the rear of the restaurant. Taking a quick left turn, I walked down the hall until I reached a door marked "staff lounge."

Pushing it open, I entered and scanned the room until my eyes locked onto Noah. His expression morphed into one of shock as he realized it was me.

"You're not authorized to be here," a girl piped up, rising from her chair and advancing toward me.

I drew my gun, aiming it squarely at her head. She gasped audibly, her body visibly trembling. "Here's what we're going to do," I asserted, taking a step closer. "You're all going to leave this room, or I'll start putting bullets through your fucking heads. Understood?"

They all nodded in fear, rising from their seats and hurriedly exiting the room one by one. I observed Noah rise, preparing to leave as well. "Except for you," I ground out.

He froze in place, meeting my gaze. Despite his attempts to conceal it, I could discern the fear in his eyes. He crossed his arms defiantly, glaring back at me.

Once everyone else had cleared out, I shut the door and secured it. Tucking the gun back under my shirt, I approached Noah until I was mere inches away from him. He stood a few inches shorter than me, causing him to tilt his head back to meet my gaze.

"What do you want?" he asked, the fear evident in his voice.

"Do you have a pen?"

He regarded me with confusion. "You went through all that trouble just to ask for a damn pen?" he grunted.

"Well, do you?" I pressed.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, he patted his pockets before finally retrieving the pen and handing it to me. "You've got some serious issues," he muttered. "Now, if that's all you needed, I have to get back to work."

He attempted to sidestep me, but I swiftly seized his hand and guided him to the desk at the back of the room, forcefully pressing his hand flat against the surface.

"What the hell are you doing?" he shouted, struggling to free his hand from my grip to no avail.

Ignoring his protests, I placed the check he had given me on top of his outstretched hand. With the pen in my other hand, I raised it swiftly and drove it into his hand.

He let out a piercing scream.

I let go of his hand, taking a step back, relishing the sight of him writhing in pain. Tears cascaded down his cheeks, mingling with the blood on the desk. He futilely attempted to lift his hand, but the pen was wedged in too deep.

Leaning in, I firmly grabbed his face, forcing him to meet my gaze. "I don't appreciate people trying to take away what's mine," I stated calmly. "Not that you ever stood a fucking chance."

"You're insane!" he shouted.

"I'm aware," I acknowledged. "Consider this a lesson. Next time, think twice before leaving your number on a check. You never know what insane person you might come across."

Releasing his face, I inspected his hand, now immersed in a pool of blood. Gripping it firmly, I pulled it from the desk, eliciting another cry of pain. "Looks rather painful," I remarked nonchalantly.

He stumbled back, his hand clutching the desk for support. "Get...the fuck away from me," he managed to choke out, his voice strained with pain.

I approached the door, pausing to cast one final glare over my shoulder. "Consider this a warning. Next time, I won't be so forgiving," I growled, my voice dripping with menace. With that, I opened the door and walked out of the room.

Walking down the same hallway, I exited the restaurant and swiftly unlocked my car. Sliding into the driver's seat, I shot a glance at Aurora, only to find her fast asleep, her head resting against the window, unaware of what just unfolded inside.

Starting the car's engine, I drove the familiar streets toward my house. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—if I was already feeling this protective after just a few days, I dreaded to think what the future held. I've never been one to be protective over others, but with her, it was like a switch had been flipped. All of these emotions were new to me.

Controlling my anger was tough, especially when it came to her. I'd do anything for her. I would kill every last fucking person on this planet, if she asked me to. And I wouldn't even question her about it. All she had to do was ask.

Pulling up at my house, I cut the engine, stealing a glance at Aurora still asleep. Stepping out, I swung open her door and gently lifted her into my arms. Making my way inside, I headed straight for my room.

I carefully settled her onto the bed, easing off her boots and tucking the covers around her. Once I made sure she was comfortable, I walked to my closet and changed into a pair of sweatpants, before heading back downstairs.

Entering the kitchen, I reached for a bottle of whiskey and poured myself a cup. Bringing the glass to my lips, I savored the warmth of the alcohol as it slid down my throat.

Taking a seat at one of the stools by the island table, I grabbed my phone and dialed Ryder's number.

After a few rings, Ryder answered, his voice casual. "Hey, Zayn. What's going on?"

"Did you find anything on the guy from Billy's Burgers?"

"Yeah, did some digging. Turns out he's a small-time crook, mostly into petty theft. Nothing major," he reported.

"Next time you run into him, put a bullet between his eyes."

Ryder chuckled. "Come on, Zayn, not everyone deserves a death sentence."

"Some do."

"Some, but not everyone," he spoke. "I gotta run, got a girl waiting. I'll talk to you later," he said abruptly, ending the call before I could reply. I shook my head, knowing Ryder's weakness for women all too well.

Finishing the last of my drink, I left the glass in the sink and retreated to my room. Glancing at Aurora to ensure she was still asleep, I slipped into bed.

I closed my eyes, hoping to doze off, but I knew it wouldn't be easy. I just wasn't feeling tired. Looks like it's going to be a long night.

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