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AFTER JUNGKOOK'S REVELATIONS ON THE BEACH, I DON'T FEEL LIKE ASKING ANY MORE questions for a while. I already knew I was being held by a monster, and what I learned today just solidifies that fact. I don't know why he was so open with me, and that scares me.

At dinner, I mostly keep quiet, only answering questions posed directly to me. Beth is eating with us today, and the two of them are carrying on a lively conversation, mostly about the island and how she and I have been spending our time.

"So you're bored?" Jungkook asks me after Beth tells him about my lack of interest in reading all the time.

I lift my shoulders in a shrug, not wanting to make a big deal of it. After what I learned earlier, I'd take boredom over Jungkook's company any time.

He smiles. "Okay, I'll have to remedy that. I'll bring you a TV and a bunch of movies the next time I make a trip."

"Thanks," I say automatically, staring down into my plate. I feel so miserable that I want to cry, but I have too much pride to do it in front of them.

"What's the matter?" Beth asks, finally noticing my uncharacteristic behavior. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Not really," I say, gladly latching on to the excuse she gave me. "I think I got too much sun."

Beth sighs. "I told you not to sleep on the beach mid-day. It's ninety-five degrees out."

It's true; she had warned me about that. But my misery today has nothing to do with the heat and everything with the man sitting across the table from me. I know that when the dinner is over, he's going to take me upstairs and fuck me again. Maybe hurt me.

And I will respond to him, like I always do.

That last part is the worst. He beat up Jake in front of my eyes. He admitted to being a murdering sociopath. I should be disgusted. I should look at him with nothing but fear and contempt. The fact that I can feel even a smidgen of desire for him is beyond sick.

It's downright twisted.

So I sit there, picking at my food, my stomach filled with lead. I would get up and go to my room, but I'm afraid it will just speed up the inevitable.

Finally, the meal is over. Jungkook takes my hand and leads me upstairs. I feel like I'm going to my execution, though that's probably too dramatic.

He said he wouldn't kill me.

He said he wouldn't kill me

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