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POP! POP! THE EXPLOSIVE SOUND OF A CAR BACKFIRING JERKS ME OUT OF SOUND sleep. My heart hammering, I jackknife up to a sitting position, then clutch at the stitches in my side with a hiss of pain.

Pop! Pop! Pop! The sound continues, and I freeze. No car backfires like that. I'm hearing gunshots. Gunshots and occasional screams.

It's dark, the only light coming from the monitors hooked up to me. I'm on the bed in the middle of the room-the first thing someone would see upon opening the door. It occurs to me that I might as well be sitting there with a bull's eye painted in the middle of my forehead.

Trying to control my ragged breathing, I pull the IV from my arm and get to my feet. It still hurts to walk, but I ignore the pain. I'm certain bullets would hurt a lot worse.
Padding barefoot toward the door, I open it just a tiny bit and peek out into the hallway. My stomach sinks. There isn't a single bodyguard in sight;the hallway in front of me is completely empty.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit.Casting a frantic glance around, I look for a hiding spot, but the only cupboard in the room is too small for me to fit into. There is no other place to conceal myself. Staying here would be suicidal. I need to get out, and I need to do so now.

Pulling the hospital gown tighter around myself, I cautiously step out into the hallway. The floor is cold under my bare feet, adding to the icy chill inside me. Out here, I feel even more exposed and vulnerable, and the urge to hide grows stronger.

Spotting a bunch of doors on the other end of the hallway, I choose one at random, opening it carefully. To my relief, there is no one inside, and I go in, closing the door quietly behind me.

The sound of gunfire continues at random intervals, coming closer each time. I step into the corner behind the door and plaster myself against the wall, trying to control my rising panic. I have no idea who the gunmen are,
but the possibilities that occur to me are not reassuring.
Jungkook has enemies. What if it's them out there? What if he's fighting them right now alongside his bodyguards? I imagine him injured, dead, and the coldness inside me spreads, penetrating deep into my bones. Please,
God, no. Please, anything but that. I would sooner die than lose him.

My entire body is trembling, and I feel cold sweat sliding down my back. The gunfire has stopped, and the silence is more ominous than the deafening noise from before. I can taste the fear; it's sharp and metallic on my tongue, and I realize that I'd bitten the inside of my cheek hard enough to draw blood.

Time moves at a painful crawl. Every minute seems to stretch into an hour, every second into eternity. Finally, I hear voices and heavy footsteps out in the hallway. It sounds like there are several men, and they're speaking in a language I don't understand-a language that sounds harsh and guttural to my ears.

I can hear doors opening, and I know they're looking for something... or someone. Hardly daring to breathe, I try to meld into the wall, to make myself so small I would be invisible to the gunmen prowling out in the hallway.

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