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JUNGKOOK COMES BACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. I MUST'VE BEEN SLEEPING lightly because I wake up as soon as I hear the quiet murmur of conversation downstairs. My captor's deeper tones are interspersed with Beth's more feminine ones, and I have a strong suspicion I know what they're talking about.

I sit up in bed, my heart galloping in my chest. Getting up, I quickly pull on yesterday's clothes and run to the bathroom to freshen up. I don't know why I care about brushing teeth right now, but I do. I want to be as awake and prepared as possible for whatever Jungkook decides to do to me.

Then I just sit on the bed and wait.

Finally, the door to my room opens and Jungkook walks in. He looks unusually tired, with dark shadows under his eyes and a hint of stubble on his normally clean-shaven face. These flaws should've diminished his beauty, but they only humanize him a bit, somehow enhancing his attractiveness.

"You're awake." He sounds surprised.

"I heard voices," I explain, watching him warily.

"And you decided to greet me. How nice of you, my pet." I know he's mocking me, so I don't say anything, just continue looking at him. My palms are sweating, but I'm doing my best to project a calm demeanor.

He sits down on the bed next to me and lifts his hand to touch my hair. "Such a sweet pet," he murmurs, lifting a thick strand and playfully tickling my cheek with it. "Such a curious little kitten..." I swallow, my breathing fast and shallow. What is he going to do to me?

He gets up and starts to undress while I watch him, frozen in place by a mixture of fear and strange anticipation. His clothes come off, revealing the powerfully masculine body underneath, and I feel a wave of desire rolling through me, heating up my core.

I want him. Despite everything, I want him, and that's the most screwed-up thing of all. He's probably going to do something awful to me, but I still want him more than I could've ever imagined wanting anyone.

In for a penny, in for a pound. "Did you do this to Mi young?" I ask quietly. "Did you also keep her as your pet?"

He looks at me, his eyes as blue and mysterious as the ocean. "Are you sure you want to go there, Y/n?" His voice is soft, deceptively calm.

I stare at him, feeling uncharacteristically reckless. "Why, yes, Jungkook, I do." My tone is bitterly sarcastic, and I realize that part of my boldness stems from jealousy, that I hate the idea of this Mi young being special to Jungkook. But even that realization is not enough to stop me. "Who is she? Some other girl you abused?"

His expression darkens, and I hold my breath, waiting to see what he would do now. In a way, I want to provoke him. I want him to punish me, to hurt me. I want it because I need him to be nothing more than a monster- because I need to hate him for the sake of my sanity.

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