19. Trix Rottwell

13 3 68

Pov Billie Edwards

'So, have you ever heard Bea talk about a Trix Rottwell?' Asher asked as we left the police station calmly, getting onto the sidewalk. I looked up at him while thinking and shrugged.

Bea rarely spoke about other people then our friend group, and if she did it was only to say something positive about them or to tell us she was going to hang out with that person, but the last thing would she only do if we asked if she had any plans, but most of the time we didn't since Bea didn't hang out a lot with people since she couldn't handle the incentives she got from it. 

'I don't think so, no, I don't remember now at least.' I answered, making him nod as he fidgeted a little with his fingers. Asher got more interesting the more minutes I spent with him, and I admit that I enjoyed that. 

'Ah, that's alright, any idea how we can find any information about her then?' He asked while pulling his phone out, typing something down on it before scrolling.

'Maybe just search on the internet, or we can go to Bea's place and ask her mother if she knows anything about a girl with that name and if we can take a look in Bea's bedroom, because I know that girl kept a lot of diaries.' I suggested, making him nod satisfied. 

'Yeah, sounds good, I'm sure Audrey will let us.' He reacted, making me look up in surprise. How did he know Bea's mother? That was a little creepy to be honest. 

'How come you know her?' I asked, trying not to sound suspicious. Asher looked up from his phone to make eye contact with me and smiled a little. 

'Oh, I talked with her not so long ago, she's so sweet.' He said, his eyes slightly sparkling but pain was gathering behind them, making me smile with sympathy back. He probably only went to talk with her because he was worried. 

I couldn't look in Asher's head and mind, but little by little I became more sure that Asher was much more than just an annoying guy who bullied my best friend. Asher wasn't just simple and unbothered, he was different then he showed himself. Acted like he didn't care about the things he did and that he didn't have any other emotion than happiness and pride, but there was so much more behind that mask of his'. It was interesting to get to know him better since he apparently was a closed book. It felt good to open him up. 

'Anyway, I can't really find Trix on a social media platform, so I guess Bea's place is it?' Asher spoke up, stuffing his phone in the pocket of his pants before looking around in the street where we were now a little. 

'Ah, sure thing Ash.' I answered, catching a glimpse of a smile on his face by the nickname.


Asher had dumped himself onto Bea's bed the second we had entered her bedroom, leaving me surprised as I watched how he dig his face in her pillow like he was trying to smell her one last time. 

I was quietly sitting on the edge of the desk with my feet on the chair, looking through Bea's diary calmly. Audrey had allowed us to take a look in Bea's room if that could help us, after that she went to lay on the couch again. 

Honestly, I was worried about the woman's health, she looked pale, her hair was greasy and put in a messy braid and the bags under her eyes were close to being giant. Also the fact she had to take care of her husband now even more was worrying, because I knew Audrey always had been easily overstimulated. 

It seemed like she didn't work anymore either, which I understood, obviously, but what about the money to pay the rent of the house? She couldn't keep on staying home. 

With a sigh I flipped the page and glanced up at Asher to see if he was doing anything useful yet, but he was still laying on his stomach, groaning slowly and low now and then after he inhaled like he was a beast. I grabbed another notebook from Bea and threw it beside him on the bed. 

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