21. Calls And Rage

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Pov Billie Edwards

'I'm home, mom!' I shouted as soon as I had thrown the front door shut a little too hard on accident.

'I heard it, next time don't try to break my door.' She answered from the kitchen, making me chuckle softly. I dumped my school bag on the first stair and kicked my shoes off while hanging my jacket up. 

'Since when do you have school till almost 7 o'clock?' My mother asked when I entered the kitchen, seeing her sit on the counter with a book on her lap as she was keeping an eye on the pans with food as well. I shrugged and moved to stand between her legs with my back towards her, leaning it against her chest. 

She wrapped her arms around my neck from behind, followed by a kiss on top of my head which made me smile satisfied. 

'I went to dad with a friend and after that we went to Audrey.' I told her, not worried about her reaction to me visiting my dad while he was at work. My mother didn't mind if I did such things. 

'Ahha... What friend, hmm? And how's Audrey doing?' She asked while using one hand to lift a lid of one of the pans, stirring a ladle into the soup that was in it. I watched her do so for a moment and hummed softly.

'With Asher, we went to ask dad about Bea's case... And Audrey didn't look very good, honestly, you should visit her to give her a little company, I think she can use that.' I muttered, thinking back at how the woman looked when I had a talk with her.  

'Hmm, don't bother your dad about that case too much when he's at work, you can at home, but he can't get in trouble with his colleagues and boss.' She muttered while brushing her free hand through my hair as I nodded in response. 

'And I will give her a visit soon then, what were you doing there with Asher?' She followed up, shoving me a little to the other side so she could slip off the counter to put the pans on the table. 

'Well, he's worrying a lot about Bea so dad told us that we could possibly search for a girl called Trix Rottwell, so we went to Audrey's place to snoop between the stuff in Bea's bedroom for any information about her or the girl.' I explained, watching how my mother nodded and patted her hand on the table as a sign for me to sit down. 

'I see, wasn't Asher the guy you described as "extremely pathetic and irreparably irritating" a few weeks ago?' She snickered, stealing a piece of chicken from another pan on the table as she sat down after I did. With a proud grin I nodded again and wiggled a little on my chair as my mother filled my plate with chicken and bread, putting soup in my bowl. 

'Bon appetit.' My mom said as she wiggled her eyebrows, grabbing her spoon. 


'You did what?' Dustin said with a clenched jaw as he looked in the camera while Riley just stayed silent, giving me a silent treatment. 

After dinner I went upstairs to my bedroom and decided to video call with Dustin and Riley about Bea, but they didn't seem to like what I had done today with Asher, which I didn't understand because we actually did something to help with the case while these two suckers just sit back and say that the police will fix it. 

Or maybe they just didn't like that I did it together with Asher, which would be pathetic in my opinion because Asher was chill as hell. 

'You heard me, what's wrong with it?' I asked while swaying from side to side on my desk chair. Dustin huffed and rubbed his face while Riley looked down at her text book from history again. A sigh left my mouth as I kept silent, fidgeting with a pencil while waiting for an answer from one of them.

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