chapter one

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"if the graduating class of twenty-twenty-four could please rise." the voice of the dean echoes through the stadium. loud rustling can be heard as the entire class stands up. everyone done up in caps and gowns, nice dress shirts, dresses, shoes, everyone looked astounding. "congratulations to each and every one of you. we all wish you the best as you take on the next steps that life has to offer you. it has been a joy watching you all grow..." you drowned out the grueling speech as you look over to your best friend, your crush.

lee minho. standing only a few rows down from you, laughing at some joke his friend made. you couldn't help but glance over all of his features, he always looked so good. it didn't take long for him to meet your eyes, sending you a warm smile and a slight wave. you wave back, a blush creeping on your cheeks as you focus back in on the ceremony.

"and without further ado, class of twenty-twenty-four, if you will all move your tassels to the left." everyone reaches for their tassels, moving them over. "congratulations." and with that, everyone cheers. some throwing their hats up in celebration, but you opted out of that part, noting how expensive the cap and gown was.

you hugged your friends, shared small talk, shed a few tears, ultimately working your way through the crowd to see minho. he was doing the same, slowly working his way over to you. and when you finally met, he instantly pulled you into a hug.

"i can't believe it." he whispers as he holds you against his chest. "you actually graduated on time." you scoff, unable to hold back from rolling your eyes as you pushed yourself off of his chest.

"jerk." you giggle. "i'm surprised you even showed up here on time. i half expected you to be sitting on the sidewalk outside." you tease him.

"not gonna lie, i had to bribe the security to let me in." he laughs.

"seriously?" your jaw drops, yet you weren't exactly surprised.

"yup. now i'm short a hundred bucks." he frowns.

"you gave the security a hundred bucks?" that was something you weren't expecting. twenty? maybe, but one hundred? definitely not.

"they drove a hard bargain, and i didn't want you to make fun of me for missing it." he chuckles, slinging his arm around your shoulder.

"you're something else, you know that?"

"you can just say i'm special, no need for the extra words." he gloats, running a hand through his perfect hair.

"yeah extra special. you went broke cause you suck at being on time." you laugh, poking him in the chest.

"pft. listen, the next time you see me, a hundred bucks will be pocket change." he smirks, cocking an eyebrow.

"oh yeah?"

"yup." he nods.

"well, don't forget about me when your rich and famous."

"i could never."

but it was a lie. at least it seemed so. shortly after the ceremony, everyone went their separate ways. most people moving out of town to persue their careers. minho was included in that bunch. he had moved from gimpo, all the way to seoul, and he didn't even bother to say goodbye to you.

of course, you weren't too upset over it. mostly too busy with your own life to think much of it. friendships come and go, and for the most part, you were just happy to have known him for the short four years that you did.

he was chaotic, always making you laugh, never failing to show you your true worth. you had him to thank for multiple things you've learned about life. you always knew he would go far, despite your unconvinced tone any time he would bring it up himself. you always had faith in him. and seoul is the city for opportunity, so when you heard about him moving there, you felt nothing but happiness for him.

you would have liked to call and congratulate him, but you'd never gotten the number of his new phone.

but overtime, you thought about him less and less. getting wrapped up in your own life, and moving up in the company that you chose to work for. you were very smart and driven yourself, so it didn't take you long to become the head of your department. after that, you only had time to think about yourself. and minho became something of your past.

that is, until one day, working in your office like normal, you received an email. it was marked as important, and sent to the entire staff. you read the email once,

you read it twice,

three times,

and even a fourth time.

hello team, it is with heavy heart that i announce my retirement. effective in two weeks.

all operations should continue as normal in order to make the transition for the new CEO go as smooth as possible. i have CC'ed your new CEO to this email so that you may reach out to him with a greeting. he is excited to begin working with all of you and i know he will lead the company in the right direction.

it has been a fantastic thirty years with all of you, and i wish you all the best.

everyone, please give a warm welcome to your new CEO.

mr. lee minho.

signed, kim seobin, former CEO.

no fucking way.

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