final thoughts

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GUYS I SWEAR MAKING A MINHO SAD ENDING HURTS ME MORE THAN IT HURTS YOU I AM IN TEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but despite the sad ending i'm super happy with how this one turned out!!! i think it's definitely my favorite in the series. but um, free tissues for anyone who made it this far.

what did you guys think of this one? which is your favorite in the collection so far? only two more members to goooo o.o

and i know there has been some discussion on how i'm going to make the rainbow have eight colors, so now you guys get to find out!!

... the next book is brown!! (i know, not what you expected, but trust in me, it's what you need)

but... can you guess who it'll be about?? ;))




anyways, let me know what you guys thought of this! i'm still new to short stories, so i hope you guys liked it! please please please share your thoughts, so i know what i can improve on in the future short stories!!

i will use this time to promote my other minho stories!! anger management & tension!! some of my most popular stories on my page so i highly recommend them!!

one last apology for the sad minho story BUT it hurts me more than it hurts you


i don't want to hold you here any longer, so as always,

this has been: 'purple' a lee minho short story

thank you so much for reading, i hope you'll come back to read more of my stories someday!

you guys mean to world to me! <3

purple // lee minho ✔️Where stories live. Discover now