chapter five

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"um... babe? can you come here for a second?" minho's voice echoes through your shared bedroom. you yawn as you hop out of the bed, heading in the direction of his voice. he was in the bathroom.

"what is it?" you ask as you enter the bathroom, eyes going wide when you see a trash bag on the floor, and a little white bottle in his hand.

"how about you tell me?" he cocks an eyebrow, not giving you a warning before tossing the little white bottle in your direction. you stumble slightly before catching it. of course you knew what it was before you even caught it, but you innocently looked over the bottle.

"these were for that migraine i had a couple of days ago." you lie, not knowing how much he knew, but you were hoping it wasn't too much.

"those were prescribed to you four weeks ago. when you went to the doctor." he crosses his arms over his chest. shit.

"y-yeah, i told them i've been having headaches... so they gave me—"

"cut the bullshit. you went to the doctor four weeks ago, three days ago you tell me we lost our baby, and then pills i've never seen before are in the trash can?" you swore your face went as pale as a ghost. he knew. and he was pissed.

"minho... i—"

"why wouldn't you tell me? why would you do this behind my back? i thought we talked everything out, you told me we were fine." you were shocked to see tears welling up in his eyes.

"i just... i'm sorry... i couldn't do it, you weren't ready for it..." you apologize. a part of you wanted to go up and hug him, but you could tell he didn't want that right now.

"who are you to tell me what i'm not ready for?" he retorts.

"you care more about your work than anything else! you can't do that when you have a baby, that baby has to be your number one!" you raise your voice, feeling annoyed that he didn't understand your reasoning.

"we talked about this! i told you i wanted this!"

"no, you wanted an heir! you didn't want a baby!"

"what— you seriously think that's how i felt about it?"

"i know that's how you felt about it minho! if it wasn't you would have noticed four weeks ago what i did! but you never look at me! you don't fucking care!" tears of your own were sliding down your cheeks at this point.

"i don't care? i'm not the one that went behind your back and terminated our baby." his expression stoic, but the tears in his face gave away his true feelings.

"tell me you wouldn't have tried to talk me out of it if i told you." you retort.

"of course i would have! i love you! i wanted a baby with you!"

"you keep saying that, but you did nothing to show that." he scoffs at your words.

"i didn't?" he cocks an eyebrow. "funny."

"seriously minho! you are either at work, or in that damn office downstairs!"

"yeah?" his tone suddenly turned cocky. "you ever bothered to go down there?" he asks.

"why would i? just to see you working? that's all i ever see you do."

"why don't you go down there now?"

"for what?" you deadpan.

"just go. have a look." he shrugs. you roll your eyes, turning on your heels as you head down the stairs, minho following closely behind you, but neither of you said anything.

"i don't understand why i'm—" you cut your own sentence short when your eyes scanned over the room. the walls painted a pretty pastel yellow, a beautiful crib in the corner of the room, along with nearly everything anyone could ever need, or want to raise a baby with. to say you were shocked was an understatement. when did he have the time to do this?

"i guess while you were pissed at me for working, i was busy building a room that our baby could grow up in." he speaks up, leaned against the doorframe.

"w-why didn't you tell me?" you stutter.

"i was going to, and then you told me we lost the baby, so i figured you'd be too sad to see all of this. i wanted to surprise you."

"minho..." you felt awful. in a flash, it seemed you realized that minho's love language was just different from yours. it was always there, he just showed it in his own way. "but i— i didn't see any builders or—"

"i put everything together myself. i even picked everything out myself." he cuts you off.

"minho... i really had no idea you felt this way... i thought—"

"maybe if you would try talking to me once in a while." he scoffs. "you spend all your time imagining i'm this terrible guy, that you never actually sit down and talk with me." his voice shaky as he cries. but he was right, you couldn't remember the last time you sat down with him and just talked. you spent the better part of a year trying to avoid him, because you felt every time you talked, he would bring up his money. but you now see that you were wrong. very, very wrong.

minho was as ready for this as you were, in his own way. and you failed to see that, just as he failed to see you. and at the same time, the both of you came to the devastating realization,

that maybe,

you two just aren't meant for each other.

purple // lee minho ✔️Where stories live. Discover now