Chapter 26: Southern Islands part 2: Eon and Darkness

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Team Radiant lay scattered on the ground, their forms twisted in pain and defeat. It was a bitter pill to swallow, especially for Pokémon who had experienced victory after victory. This defeat stung even more because it reminded them of the times when they were still learning to function as a cohesive team within Altaria's guild.

The shiny Absol known as Kevin stood tall and proud, his fur shimmering under the moonlight as he looked down at his vanquished foes. His eyes bore a mix of satisfaction and superiority, a stark contrast to the grim expressions on the faces of Team Radiant.

As Kevin smirked smugly, memories flooded back to Team Radiant of their journey together, the trials they faced, and the victories they celebrated. But this defeat, marked by Kevin's cunning and power.

With a flick of his tail, Kevin turned and walked away, leaving Team Radiant to treat their wounds and reflect on their defeat. It was a humbling experience.


The next day dawned bright and hopeful for Team Awesome as they prepared for their special task on the Southern Islands. Guildmaster Altaria gathered them for an important briefing, revealing that the true purpose of their journey was a test of their skills and intelligence rather than their physical prowess.

"Team Awesome, today's task is a special one. You will explore the Southern Islands and search for Latios and Latias. They will test your abilities and judgment, so rely on your brains more than your brawn." Guildmaster Altaria added on.

With determination in their hearts, Team Awesome set off on their mission, eager to prove themselves in this new challenge.

Just as they left, Farfetch'd received an unexpected phone call that left him stunned and speechless. As he processed the shocking information, his grip on the phone loosened, and it fell to the ground with a clatter. Nervously and with a stutter, he managed to utter the news to those around him.

"T-Team Radiant... they've been defeated." Farfetch’d said.

As Alex and Elton embarked on their quest to find the elusive Eon Pokémon, they encountered a plethora of unique and fascinating creatures native to the Southern Islands. True to Farfetch'd's descriptions, the islands were teeming with diverse Pokémon, each with its own distinct features and habitats.

Navigating through the rugged terrain of the Southern Islands, Alex and Elton faced numerous challenges posed by the mountainous landscapes. In their quest for clues about the whereabouts of Latios and Latias, they decided to seek guidance from the locals who were well-versed in the area.

They encountered a friendly but amusingly accented Alolan Diglett. Elton, in particular, found the situation incredibly hilarious and struggled to stifle his laughter.

*chuckling* "Excuse me, Mr. Alolan Diglett, can you point us towards one of the mountains here?" Elton asked, trying to keep a straight face.

*with a thick cowboy accent* "Well now, pardner, ya see that there big ol' heap of rock? That's Mount Hoohaw, the tallest darn mountain 'round these parts. But don't ya be fooled by its grumpy look, it's got a heart as warm as a Sirilean sunset! God bless Siril!" The Alolan Diglett replied.

Elton, trying to keep a straight face, nodded along as the Alolan Diglett continued its colorful description of the mountain's quirks and personality traits. Despite his best efforts, Elton couldn't help but burst into another fit of laughter.

Alex couldn't help but sigh in annoyance at Elton's uncontrollable laughter, which seemed to be escalating by the second. Feeling a sense of responsibility, Alex turned to the Alolan Diglett and apologized for his friend's behavior.

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