19: Trade Drinks

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For older readers, I have changed Light Wing's hero alias to Cuteguy (upon popular request and also because I felt like it). Going back to all the past chapters will show you guys as such!

And to new readers, I had Grian's hero alias as Light Wing up until this chapter of the story (it's all Cuteguy now btw) Just a heads up as to not get you guys confused! Enjoy!

Turns out you can't track someone down in one night.

But they did find leads towards Lykos's disappearance, the strongest of which is the tuff of brown hair found at the scene of the crime. So here Etho was, bringing a seemingly innocent man in for questioning. The DNA of the hair was linked back to him, a 23 year old working in Queens. He had a baby face, but Etho had plans.

"I had plans today." The man says, his voice was so calm it made Etho feel a bit... it made Etho more nervous that this man wasn't matching the emotions he felt. Because what if he wasn't guilty? The public would know—especially after the man shared that he's a blogger with a substantial following. The man continues, "I was going to get barbecue with my mates."

"You don't talk much, huh?" They arrived at the second floor of the Society Headquarters, Etho had to bring him through the backdoor. "I do. Just not as much whilst on the job." He didn't know he felt the need to clarify it but he did. The man chuckled, "Of course! My younger sister loves you, she'll be ecstatic to hear about—"

"—Please understand the confidentiality of this case." Etho didn't feel like playing idol right now. He was supposed to be a hero, not an influencer. "Oh? I thought this was regarding my mate Joel's disappearance? Isn't that—" The man abruptly stopped, Etho took one glance at him, his eyes were as wide as saucers.

What? Was this man fucking with him? Joel should be okay, the last time Etho saw Joel was in the parking lot! He was fine and he was very careful after Jimmy's disappearance. Etho took a sharp breath, "Whom is that?" Act fool. Act fool. Act fool—"Oh, I thought y-you knew him."

Etho furrowed his eyebrows, when had he ever interacted with Joel whilst transformed? "He talked about you saving him on my other friend's birthday! Man, that guy has a crush on you or something." The man continued to ramble what sounded like nonsense to Etho, without a care in the world. "Please wait in there, I'll be back shortly." Etho opened the door to one of their questioning rooms for him, the brunet agreed and went inside.

Etho opened his phone to dial Titan and Cuteguy. Originally it was just going to be Etho and Titan who were to be questioning Owen, but Cuteguy had insisted. His voice still rang loud in Etho's ears, pleading with BigB to let him in on this even though he had never done a questioning prior to all this.

Etho dialled Titan first; "I got him in the room, can you and Cuteguy make it—" He was quickly cut off by Titan. "We've been waiting in the lounge for 30 minutes, we'll be there in 2." Titan spoke quickly, it sounded like he was moving around. "Alright, thanks." Etho wondered if they were as nervous as he was for this.

"Don't stress your head off! Love you!" And... Titan hung up. Etho didn't know how he did it—how was Titan always optimistic? That was a trait Etho had to learn from him, for sure. He scrolled through his recent messages, Lykos still seemed to boil on the top. Above the rest. He wished that their communicators were built into their suits (they would've found Lykos by now), but instead they were external.

Etho let his mind wander back to Joel. Joel should be fine, nobody's reported a citizen's disappearance this past week. Should he tell someone to go check up on the brunet? "We're here!~" Titan said as he and Cuteguy stepped out of the elevator, walking to Etho, "Where's the guy?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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