CHAPTER 31 : Unmasking

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Katsuki slowly pulled on his black leather gloves, each finger snugly sliding into place.

The room seemed to grow darker as he did so, the shadows dancing across his if he were preparing for a battle .

Katsuki advanced, his hands gloved and menacing as he approached the trembling girl tied to the bed's headboard.

With each step, the floorboard echoed , intensifying the sense of dread that hung heavy in the air.

The girl's heart pounded in her chest, the sound reverberating in her ears like a drumbeat of terror.

Her wide eyes tracked Katsuki's every movement. She tried to shrink back against the headboard, but the restraints held her firmly in place, trapping her in a nightmare from which she couldn't escape.

"st stay.. away stay away from me "

As Katsuki drew nearer, the girl's breaths came in shallow gasps, her chest rising and falling rapidly .

Every fiber of her being screamed for her to flee, to fight, but she was tied in painful leather belt .

Katsuki's hand slid effortlessly towards the Glock 19 pistol lying on the bed , his fingers wrapping around the cool metal with practiced ease.

With a smooth motion, he attached the silencer that she with so much efforts purchased , the soft click echoing in the room.

he glanced at her with a smirk,

"How stupid could you be?" he taunted, his voice low and dangerous.

"You stole your dad's licensed gun to kill me? Tsk tsk tsk, no doubt you are so dumb."

Katsuki's lips curled into a sneer as he towered over her, his eyes blazing with contempt.

"Do you even realize how easy it is to trace a licensed gun back to its owner, you pathetic excuse for a murdered?"

he spat,"You think you can outsmart me with your half-baked plans and stolen gun? You're a joke."

Katsuki untied the leather belt that bound her arms, his grip firm and unyielding. She struggled to break free, but his hold was like iron, trapping her against him.

"No, no, please!" she pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice as she tried to squirm away.

But Katsuki's grip only tightened, his fingers digging into her skin with painful force.

Ignoring her protests, he effortlessly pulled her onto his lap, his strength overpowering her feeble attempts to escape.

She landed with a soft thud, her body pressed against his as he settled onto the bed, his steely gaze never leaving her trembling form.

"You're not going anywhere," he growled.

She squirmed and struggled, desperately trying to wriggle out of his grasp, but Katsuki's hold on her was unrelenting. Each attempt to break free only seemed to tighten his grip, trapping her further against him.

"Let me go!" she cried, her voice tinged with fear and frustration as she fought against his overpowering strength. But Katsuki remained unmoved, his steely gaze fixed on her, his expression unreadable.

With a frustrated groan, she continued to push against him, her movements growing more frantic as she searched for any opportunity to escape his hold.

But no matter how hard she struggled, Katsuki's grip remained firm, his dominance asserting itself over her feeble attempts to break free.

Jirou's head swam with dizziness as she struggled to maintain consciousness, her eyes fluttering open to light of room.

She could hear the muffled sounds of voices nearby, but her vision remained blurred, making it difficult to discern the figures before her.

Masked girl × Her Bully(katsuki bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now