CHAPTER 30: Puppet Master

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In the room of the police department headquarters, the atmosphere was tense as the subordinate relayed the latest development to Katsuki bakugou.

Katsuki leaned back in his chair, his posture relaxed but his eyes sharp, taking in every word.

As the subordinate spoke, his hands gestured emphatically, punctuating each sentence with a sense of disbelief.

His fingers tapped nervously on the edge of the table, betraying his agitation.

"We have finally had an order of a gun silencer on our new website that we made on the dark web to attract criminals," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with incredulity.

Katsuki's response was immediate, his lips curling into a smirk as he absorbed the information. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table.

"Can't believe someone really fell for your trash-ass website," katsuki said, frustration evident in his tone.

"Everyone knows 99 percent of websites promising illegal stuff are fake and run by the police department. Who is stupid enough to order it?"

He leaned back in his chair once more, crossing one leg over the other in a display of casual superiority.

"Looks like our bait worked better than expected," subordinate replied, his voice dripping with satisfaction.

"Seems we've hooked ourselves a fish, gentlemen."

As he spoke, Katsuki's fingers drummed lightly on the armrest of his chair, a subtle indication of his excitement.

he definitely needed to blow some air before tomorrow.

Katsuki's voice dripped with disdain as he considered the possibility.

"It wouldn't surprise me if it's just some quirkless trash trying to make a name for themselves in the criminal underworld. Can't even pull off a decent crime without resorting to outdated weapons like guns these days."

His subordinates nodded in agreement, sharing his sentiment towards those they deemed inferior.

"Pathetic," one said agreeing with his senior.

Katsuki's eyes flashed with a mixture of contempt and amusement.

"Well, let's not keep our quirkless friend waiting. I ll deal with it ."

The subordinate hesitated, taken aback by Katsuki's haughty demeanor,

"But sir, isn't it better to have backup in case things get out of hand?"

Katsuki's sneer deepened, his arrogance radiating from every pore.

"Backup? I am the number two hero, in case you forgot. A quirkless bastard doesn't stand a chance against me."

The subordinate swallowed hard, realizing the futility of arguing further with someone as dominant as Katsuki.

"Understood, sir," he replied, though a hint of unease lingered in his voice.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Katsuki turned on his heel, his confidence unshaken as he strode out of the room.

Katsuki's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he sat inside the gun shop, waiting impatiently for the criminal to show up.

Despite his best efforts to maintain a facade of calm, his agitation was palpable, evident in the tight set of his jaw and the occasional drumming of his fingers on the countertop.

Dressed inconspicuously in casual attire to blend in with the surroundings, Katsuki glanced around the shop, his keen eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement.

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