Chapter 13 Samuel POV

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"Okay where do I begin with this one" I say while smiling awkwardly as Carl and Molly look at my bandaged leg with wide eyes.

Phew boy .. guess there is no easy way to explain this.

I clear my throat and scratch the back of my neck. "Okay so ... someone hit my leg with a metal pole and fractured my leg .. and that someone was a robber who robbed a bank and used me as a distraction for the cops"

I mumble quietly and take a sip of my tea, silently waiting for their response or anything from them since they have been shell shocked ever since they saw my bandaged leg.

Okay what the heck. I need something from them not just silence.

"Okay both of you should close your mouths or a fly will fly in .. or a spider will weave a web in it whatever whatever." I wave my hand dismissively as I botch the way the dating goes.

Molly and Carl snap out of their trance and I honestly wish they stayed quiet since all hell broke loose when they started speaking or more like shouting at me.

"WHAT ? HOW IN THE DEVILS ASS DID THIS HAPPEN?" Said screeching Molly as she basically leaped over the table and started to examine my face. To be frank I have no idea why.

Hmmm maybe to see if I'm lying? I don't Know. Could not tell you.

"DUDE. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" Yells Carl as he gets on his knee and starts to examine my bandaged leg. The thing that brings a smile to my face is that they care so much for me.

Aww I'm loved .. YAY.

Molly narrows her eyes when she sees my warm smile. She taps Carl's shoulder and he looks up, equally as confused as she at my warm smile.

".. dude .. what the fuck are you smiling about?" A very confused Carl asks me as he gets up from his knee and sits back down on his chair. I shrug my shoulders and let out a soft chuckle.

"I don't know. You guys just seem to care so much for me. Makes me want to smile." My grin widens when I say that and Molly starts to laugh softly.

"My god .. you're such a dork." She says through her laugh and soon enough, me and Carl join her. All three of us laugh for few minutes at the ridiculousness of the whole situation. After all of calm down we sit in silence for couple of minutes before Molly speaks up hesitantly.

"Umm so .. how do you feel Sam? Like are you in pain? Do we have to take you to a doctor?"
Molly's voice laced with concern as she takes my hands into hers and gives them a reassuring squeeze. My heart starts to swell and I nod my head.

"It's okay Molly. I already have a doctors appointment later this week. I feel fine but would it be okay if one of you two took me to the hospital? I can't drive because of my leg and Evie doesn't have a license."

Molly smiles softly and Carl lets out a hum of agreement and flashes me one of his signature smiles.

"Course boss. We will always be here for you .. want me to make us some tea?" He asks in a soft voice and waits for me to answer. I smile softly and nod my head, my whole body craving some English tea.

"Yes please. That would be lovely Carl. The English in me is screaming." Carl smiles happily and nods his head. "Sure do boss. I'll make us tea and bring it out. You continue talking. What's this about your lil sis being here?"

He says while walking inside the kitchen and leaves the door open so that he could hear us. Molly turn towards me and nods her head.

"Yea. Isn't Evie supposed to be back at your parents? Why is she here?" Molly takes her hands back and rests her chin on her right palm as she looks at me with her curious hazel eyes, her chocolate hair falling over her shoulder.

I let out a quiet groan and shrug my shoulders. "She and my ma had a fight again and this one was a nasty one. Ma called Evie a slut for going to late night parties and not answering her phone calls"

Molly furrows her eyebrows and lets out a sigh of defeat. She shakes her head at the absurdity of the situation and leans back in her chair.

"That is so stupid. Your mom should trust Evie while Evie should listen to your mom more." I roll my eyes and nod in agreement.

"YEA but what family doesn't conflict? More drama makes it more fun to be around them." Carl calls out from the kitchen and makes me and Molly laugh.

"Yea but this happens every other week. I know why ma is concerned but she should believe in Evie. Evie in no rebel or something. Evie is a B average student who rarely doesn't do her chores." I grumble quietly and bury my face in my hands.

"Benjamin was way worse but ma didn't mind it that much. Why is she so focused on Evie? Benny went to parties and got a girl pregnant when he was 18." Mollys eyes widen and Carl popped his head out of the kitchen with three cups of tea. He placed one in front of me and I thank him before taking a sip of my black tea.

"Really? Who did he get pregnant? I heard he was dating Darcy Picknott. Did he get her pregnant?" Carl asks me in a surprised voice and sits down in front of me. I shake my head and let out a defeated sigh.

"Nah. I was young and I think he got my babysitter Shelly pregnant. You know the one you thought was hot before you came out gay" Carl does the 'ahh' doing of understanding before taking a sip of his cinnamon tea.

Molly chuckles softly before shaking her head. "Yea but that was before Carl discovered who Henry Cavill was and than he thought your dad was hot" I grimace at the memory of Carl telling me that he finds my da hot.

"Ugh don't remind me. So gross. Worst day ever" My eyes dart toward Carl and give him a small smile. "Of course not the part that you like men. The part that you find my dad attractive" Carl does the sassy 'Uhu' before shrugging his shoulders and giving me a wicked smirk.

"Still do Sammy bossy .. your dad is hella hot. He still sizzles." Carl gets this 'thinking about someone in an inappropriate way' and I gag. I grab a nearby apple from the fruit bowl on the table and throw it at him. Carl and Molly burst out laughing hysterically and I soon join in.

"God I hate you Carl. I don't know why I'm still friends with you" I groan and cover my red face with my hands. Carl continues cackling and smacks my shoulder. "It's because we have known each other since we were in diapers. You will never get rid of me Sam Sam."

Oh that's how we are playing? Okay Carly.

I groan on the outside but smile on inside as I remember our childhood together. "The only reason you're still my friend is because I need workers in my bakery" I say in a teasing way and laugh softly when Carl lets out a offended gasp.

"How DARE you! I'm beyond offended" He says in a 'offended' voice and crossing arms, turning away from me while pouting like a child.

"Okay I'm sorry Carl. Of course I keep around not just because of my bakery." I say reassuringly and nudge his shoulder. Carl snort quietly and nods his head. Molly looks at both of us annoyed, probably feeling left out since we only met her when I first opened my bakery. So around five years ago.

I smile at Molly and tilt my head. "You okay there Molls?" Molly Looks at me and shakes her head. "Yea I'm fine. Just bummed that I didn't get to know both of you sooner. Feel kinda left out when both of you talk about your childhood together.. you know" She mumbles quietly and sips her lemon tea.

I smile sadly and take her hand into mine, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "It doesn't matter when you met us. You're our friend. No matter what. No time to sulk" I say playfully and Carl joins me.

"HELL YEA. You're the best Molly. I don't need anyone but my two best buds here". He wraps both his arms around our shoulders and all of us burst out laughing.

"Okay okay. So when can either of take me to the doctors on Thursday?" I sip my black tea happily and glance at them. My eyebrows furrow in confusion when I see both of grimace and give me the 'On second thought.'

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