Chapter 19 Samuel POV

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I stumble back in my house as thoughts about officer Bennett flow through my mind. My heart is absolutely beating out of my chest as I recall every time she called me Samuel. The whole two or three times. My head can't comprehend. It's just a friendly thing and yet I'm so flustered.

God I gotta get myself together. And also I have to find a person who will drive me to my parents place and then back.

I think to myself as I open my apartment door with my keys. I walk in and am immediately greeted by slightly angry Evie. Her arms are crossed and her brown hair is tangled in a messy braid. She has her phone to her ear and is glaring at me while listening to someone on the other line. And from what I can make out of it. It's our ma talking loudly to her about how she can't always run away to me just because I'm my own boss.

Oh shit. Not good.

I close the door behind me slowly and tip toe towards her, kneeling down to her ear level so that I can hear what ma is yelling about.

"You cannot keep running to him Evie. He is a grown man and not your babysitter. I know you love him and I know you miss him but you can't keep doing this. Every month you get angry and leave us. You know that we love you very much Evie. Why do you do this? Can't we just talk this out? Can you come back on Sunday for dinner?" My ma's voice is desperate and I would know. She uses it every time she asks me to come over to dinner on Sunday and to forgive da and Benjamin. Evie looks up at me and nods her head towards her phone as if asking me if I want to talk with ma. I shake my head frantically as I really don't want to have that conversation again. Last time ma found out that Evie stayed over after a fight, she cried for an hour on the phone, asking me why I didn't tell her about it and if I could bring Evie back.

It was not good. Like at all. I can still hear cries.

A shiver runs down my back as I remember everything in great detail and she must of seem my discomfort since Evie let's out a sigh and hangs up on ma. Which couldn't be a good idea but hey, I won't be the one getting a crying lecture later.

Oh god I still might.

My heart drops when I hear my phone buzzing in my pocket. Evie and I glance at my jacket pocket as it vibrates and I think both of us silently pray that it's not ma. I shut my eyes and take my phone out of my pocket before hesitantly answering it and bringing it to my ear.

".. yes?"

".. oh hello there. Is this Samuel Walker's number? This is officer Wells speaking."

A huge bolder is lifted off my shoulders as I realise it's not my ma and give Evie a small nod. She lets out a shaky breath and sits down quietly on the couch as I speak into the phone.

"Yes this is Samuel Walker. I have never heard of a officer Wells. Are you perhaps a friend of Officer Bennett?" I ask hesitantly as this might be a scammer trying to scam money out of me which I don't have a lot of right now so please to god let it not that. The woman on the line lets out a soft giggle and speaks into the phone in a soft voice.

"Oh yes. That is my twin sister. You do mean the tall, curly black haired officer who accompanied you to your house after the incident with the robbers?" My eyes instantly light up as I feel my cheeks reddening slightly. I remember Officer Bennett speaking to a woman that day. They did look alike but I would have never guessed that they were twins. Cousins sure. Sisters maybe but twins? If I can correctly the woman officer Bennett was speaking to was shorter and had straight blond hair while her body was less curvy.

.. what did I just think? No no no I can't think of stuff like that. It's perverted and I'm no pervert.

I shake my head as my face reddens more, making Evie look at me suspiciously. I let out a soft chuckle and speak into the phone. "Ahh yes. I vaguely remember her speaking to another officer.. are you perhaps shorter than officer Bennett and have blond straight hair?" She makes a loud 'Yes' sound on the other phone and start to speak happily. Guess she is happy that I know of her.

"Yes yes that's me. Short and blond. My name is Bridget Wells and I'm the twin sister Briella." My heart skips a beat when I hear officer Bennett's first name.

Hmm Briella? That sounds nice. Brie. Ella. Briella.

"Hmm okay so how may I help you officer Wells? Is there something about the case?" I sit down next to Evie as she listens softly to my conversation rather rudely but I don't mind. Not like it's a secret. I put the cal on speaker and place my phone on the table so both of us can listen to it properly.

"Yes well I have kind of bad news because we haven't caught all of the robbers but I just wanted to know how you were doing since you were injured Mister Walker.. Samuel if I may?" She says in this soft slightly flirty voice but it's really hard to miss so I think she doesn't mean anything by it. She asks me if she can call me Samuel. I glance at Evie as she looks at me with furrowed eyebrows and shrugs her shoulder.

I let out a shaky breath before answering her question. "Umm well that's bad that not all robbers were caught.. I hope you can do it fast with officer Bennett.. and I guess it's fine if you call Samuel.. I don't mind as long it's not unprofessional."

"Of course Samuel. I'll keep it extremely professional. It's just that I need you to come down to the precinct on Tuesday so that we can take your statement.. if that's okay with you of course. If you are unable to drive since your leg was hurt than I could arrange a car for you? I could maybe.." She stops for a moment and clears her throat before speaking up again.

"I could be your driver.. what do you think?" She says in this excited and nervous voice, like she really wants to be my driver. I scratch the back of my neck nervously as I think about what it would be like to have her drive me.

Hmm what would it be like if she drove me? Would it be like officer Bennett or is she different? She seems way more talkative than her and way more bubbly. But there is something calming about officer Bennett.. Briella.

I bite the bottom of my lip as I think about officer Bennett and her cold but protective gaze. How she scolded that paramedic when he wasn't helping me. How she picked me up and ran up sixteen flight of stairs. How she drove me to the hospital and back. How we talked about Disney. How she called me Samuel.

She looks so cute and attractive when she talks about her interests. Her emerald eyes seem to light up and her shoulders tense. Her face lights up and her lips pout slightly when she listened to me and how the sunlight hit her bouncy dark curls and her light copper skin. Like heaven's light.

My cheeks redden when Evie smacks my forearm and directs my attention back to my phone. She mouth 'what the heck Sammy? She has been waiting for a minute or so for you.' I must've spaced out thinking about officer Bennett and feel foolish for my ignorance of officer Wells. "My apologies officer Wells. I must have spaced out while thinking."

"Oh no worries Samuel. And you may call me Bridget.. so .. what is your answer? Would it be alright if you came down to the precinct and .. would it be okay if I drove you there?" I clear my throat, feeling awkward as her voice comes out hopeful and cheerful. ".. I'm sorry officer.. I mean miss Bridget but I would like to have officer Bennett to drive me to precinct if she doesn't mind of course."

I could practically feel her face and shoulders falling as I declined her offer of driving me. My heart squeezes as I have made her sad. "But if officer Bennett is not available then I would be quite happy to be driven by you." I try to cheer her up over the phone and it seems to work since she lets out a soft giggle. "Alright .. I'll talk with icy and then get back to you."

Icy? Whose that? Is it... a nickname for officer Bennett? I wonder why?

I give Evie a questioning look before speaking up. "Umm .. do you mean officer Bennett miss Bridget?" I ask in a hesitant voice as the nickname seems pretty rude and uncalled for. Miss Bridget laugh softly into the phone and clears her throat, clearly amused by my question.

"Well isn't it obvious Samuel? Icy is a cold villain from my favourite childhood TV show and it fits Briella quite nice.. wouldn't you agree?" She says in this 'how could you not get the joke/reference' voice and waits for my reply. I glance at Evie as she has this look of realisation on her face and mouths to me 'I know which character she is talking about'. I nod my head at her as she turns her head away and start to type something in her phone.

"Well I guess I didn't get it.. we'll this a goodbye for now.. please inform me if officer Bennett is unable to drive me .. goodbye and have a nice day." I say quickly and hang up on her before turning back to Evie.

".. who the heck is icy?"

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