New Start

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    I was so ecstatic when I officially became a part of the girl group. Unlike some stereotypes, "The Cool Kids" are nice. The only reason why I didn't hang out with them was probably Mona. Whenever Mona saw them, she would walk in the opposite direction and acted as if they had beefed up before. I enjoyed every second with them. Yeah, they talked about makeup, clothes, and boy 50% of the time, but honestly is there something else to talk about?

I knew I was one of them when they finally invited me to go shopping with them after school. I was over the moon when I accepted the invitation.

The shopping was extremely amusing. I got a bunch of new clothes that Ann and Skylar picked out for me while Erica tells me whether the outfit suits me or not. I wanted their opinion because they have a unique style which I adored.

"Next time I'll let them buy me makeup," I thought to myself.

I quickly forgot about Mona and William although they still look at me with envy and disgust, but I learnt to just ignore it. I hinted to Mona many times that I was happy without her, I think she got it. Also, the group were geniuses, which I totally didn't expect. I love my new friend group they really helped me during my lowest and my highest.

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