Date Night

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    Ann, Erica and Skylar invited me to their quadruple date! I was ecstatic. I didn't even have a boyfriend; in fact, I didn't even like anyone since William. After I told them that I didn't have a boyfriend to go with us, Ann replied.

"We know that! It was obvious. That's why I've set you up with Kevin."

My eyes widened as I heard Kevin's name. I've only seen Kevin walk down the halls of the school, but we've never talked. Not going to lie, I always thought Kevin was a little cute, yet I preferred William. My smile went from ear to, for I was finally having a date! Ann, Erica and Skylar squealed in joy.

"Next Tuesday at 10, kay?" Erica smirked.
I nodded.

As Tuesday came, I was so stressed. My legs shivered. On that day, I was going to have my first date! Unfortunately, I had to start the day with school, so I got my butt up and got myself ready for school. When I arrived at the hell house, I chatted with my girls and entered my class 10 minutes late. Mona looked at me from head to toe. Eyes rolled from up to down to up again. I sat in my seat while the math teacher continued to explain something. I did not understand what the teacher was explaining, but who cares? It's math which I was already good at.

After a few boring sessions, school ended. I rushed back home. Stressed, I was already planning out what was I going to say and do. All that thinking took a whole hour. I lost track of time. Finished my homework, showered, picked a cute outfit, did my hair and makeup. 30 minutes left. I got too excited.

It felt like ages waiting for Ann, Erica and Skylar to pick me up. I even started scrolling on my phone to aid my boredom. After what felt like forever, Erica showed up. I hopped into her car. My head was so full of thoughts, I didn't even know where I was going. Did the girls purposefully not tell me? Was this all a trick? My head spun like never before. Then I calmed myself down mumbling to myself, "They're my friends. They would never do that, right?"

Eventually, we arrived at a Starbucks. I was so confused, but the only thing I did know was that I was too overdressed for this 'date'. Later, I didn't care how I was dressed as long as I had fun. Also, I always told myself "Better to be overdressed than underdressed".

Once the guys arrived, Kevin sat right next to me with his arms around my neck. I was clearly uncomfortable, so I signalled to the girls by looking back and forth at Kevin then at the girls again.

"Kevin, c'mon already an arm around my precious Maya? Put your arm down, sir," Skylar questioned Kevin.

"Thank you," I mouthed as Kevin placed his arm down awkwardly.

"Well, Imma break this embarrassing moment by asking: want me to order y'all anything?" Ann announced before each said what they wanted.

"Wait," I replied, "I'm coming with you."

I knew she wouldn't be able to carry all that back to our table, so I wanted to help. Ann and I went to order. Luckily, she memorized what everyone wanted while I was still pondering about what I wanted. After ordering, we sat back down at our table and joked on how everyone was overdressed.

"No one told me where we were going" everyone joked. Erica tried her best not to laugh, but we all knew that she was the one who chose this place for our date.

After a few laughs, I went to grab our order, but no one cared to help. I carried the bag with difficulty. Kevin got up and took the tray from my hand. When we all sat slurping our drinks, Kevin asked me suddenly, "Wanna get out of here?"

I looked at him with a red face and a raised eyebrow as I joked with him, "This isn't a teen movie from the 2 thousand, but sure let's go!"

Kevin and I sneakily left. Like a gentleman, Kevin opened the door to the front seat of his car. I gave him a smile and got into the car. I was really hoping that he would take me to a better place than Starbucks. He took us to a small garden.

"Where are we?" I asked Kevin.

"This is the place where I have watched the stars since I was young," Kevin replied.

My question wasn't answered well, but it didn't matter because I liked the view of the stars. I took my phone out my purse and tried to find my location, yet it died. I looked at Kevin then the sky.

"The stars. They look amazing, "I whispered to myself as I joined him on the soft green grass. Laying down, he started sharing things about himself and so did I. I enjoyed my time with him. I didn't even realize how fast time flew. Kevin drove me home.

"Thank you," I said nervously with a smile, "I had fun."

"I did too," he replied while looking straight into my eyes.

I gave him a slight wave and shut the door. I turned my head left and smiled at the first mirror I saw.

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