🪷I Won't Say Im In Love🪷

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Requested by: No one
Song: I Won't Say Im In Love
By: Disney >:)
Some background information! Aiko (My Hero Academia oc) used to have a boyfriend but he was a bad one so she afraid to be in love :<

*Aiko was smiling, she had the best day with Kirishima. She looked at the rose he gave her but then remembered what happened with her ex...she sighed and sat down on a park bench she set the rose next to her. She got up and left the rose little did she know Mina, uraraka, and surprisingly momo we're watching. Momo grabbed the rose and looked at a sad Aiko*

Aiko: If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that...
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history!
I've been there! I've done that!

Uraraka, Mina, Momo (whispering): Who you think your kidding! He's heaven to you!
Try to keep it hidden!
Girl! We can see right through you
Come on! You can't conceal it
We know how you feel about him! And who your always thinking of!

*Uraraka used her quirk to float the rose infront of Aiko but she pushed it away and crossed her arms*

I wont say it! No, no

Uraraka: You Melt

Mina: You sigh

Momo: why deny it?

All together: Uh, oh!

Aiko: It's always the same! So I won't say I'm in love...
I thought my heart learned it's lesson...
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming! "Get a grip! Unless your dying to cry your heart out!"

*Aiko sat near a fountain and looked at her reflection in the water*

Uraraka: You keep denying

Momo: who you are! And what your feeling!

Mina: Girl! We're not buying! Sis we saw you hit the ceiling!

Uraraka, Mina, Momo: Face it like a woman!
When you gotta own it!
That you got, got, got it bad!!!!

*Aiko Imagined Kirishima and smiled softly but quickly removed it from her mind and got up*

Aiko: NO!
No chance! No way!
No one can make me say it! No no

Uraraka & Momo: Give up! Give in!

Mina: Check your smile your in love~

Aiko: I won't play this game again!
I wont say I'm in love!
You're way! Of course
I wont say it
Can't you get off my case!
I wont say it~

Momo: Be proud! It's okay that-

Mina: Your in love!

*Uraraka brought the rose to Aiko again. Aiko looked at it*

Aiko: At least for now...
I wont say I'm in love~

*Aiko put the rose in her hair and walked back to U.A.*

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