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~Tess POV~

I woke up in a pool of water. A scream escaped my mouth. Sweat falling from my face, dripping from the ends of my hair. I couldn't breathe. With every breath I tried to take, my fists grasped the sheets. Rapid movement took ahold of me. My eyes were closed, and all that I could see... was the terrible action of you leaving me.
"MOMMM!!! Have you seen my cheetah print crocs?" I yelled from upstairs, in a desperate tone. "MOM!!" I tried again, getting yet not another response. I walk downstairs to find my mom in kitchen, cooking breakfast with headphones on. I glance up and down. Oh, how I love this woman. I proceeded to tap her on the shoulder, "Hello, mother of mine," giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Oh, hi little me", she jumps in excitement. She's always called me that, we look just alike, carbon copy indeed. "Even though we wear the same size, that doesn't mean I want your feet in mine," I looked at her, pointing down at my cheetah print crocs she possessed. Handing them over she says "When I come home with new jewelry, don't ask for my rings", sarcastically. I gave a quick "I wuvv you", taking a bite of bacon I grabbed on the way out, along with my belongings for school.

I decided walking to school would be a good idea, I could use the fresh air. My thoughts and my dreams have been haunting me for a few weeks, I needed a change. I've been alone most of the morning. I haven't interacted with anyone much. I made it to my first class with no issues until... Hope. As soon as she walked in the room, it hit me like a flashback.

~Hope and Tess were on the cheer team in middle school. During a stunt gone wrong, Tess had fallen as the flyer. As a base and friend, Hope had dived from one side of the stunt to the other to cover Tess' head. Saved her life. When they both stood, they locked eyes "thanks, you saved me" shyly Tess said. "Well I wouldn't want you to die, we just met." Hope winked at Tess.~

I quickly shook my head to remove the flashback. "No, no, no", I thought I whispered to myself. I looked up realizing Hope was in front of me speaking. "So, you think I should change?" Hope had questioned my comment. "Oh, no sorry I was speaking on something else, you look amazing ", i immediately regretted that, although i meant it. Hope asked me if i was okay, i lied . I told her I was sleepy. After all, i was sweating half the night.

"Don't forget we're hanging out with Ren after school" Hope reminded me. "I can't, homework", again, I lied. "We have the same classes, we don't have homework" Hope put out in a higher tone. I turned around, "what it with you and hanging out with Ren. I said I can't so I can't", I snapped. That was bad, really bad. It was like the world stopped moving, we were staring at each other, everything was silent. Hope finally spoke in a quivering, frustrated voice, "You don't have to go anywhere. Not with Ren and definitely not with me." Hope up and left lecture. I let it get to me, again.

I followed her down the hall. "Hope wait", I quickly grabbed her arms before letting her get too far. "I don't know what your deal is, but I am sick of it," she said through her teeth. "You being so hostile towards Ren when you don't even know her is crucial," tears have formed in her eyes. I hated it. I hated making her upset. "I'm not being hostile, I'm ju-", she cut me off. "Yes you are! She hasn't done anything wrong yet you continue to give a cold shoulder, now you're doing it to me and I-I can't," Hope waves her hand in a bye motion, which really gave me something to cry about.
I treaded through the rest of my classes. When I got home my mom was waiting in the kitchen for me. I guess she had that mother instinct that something was wrong. We sat down to talk. More memories ran through my mind...

~ Hope and Tess are sitting at Tess' kitchen table working on Spanish homework.
"I can't pronounce it," Tess said sadly.
"Corazon. It means heart, now put it together" Hope explains perfectly. "Mi Corazon" Tess repeats. Hope smiles, "Yes you are". ~

"Mom, Hope likes me. She likes me, likes me" I lowered my head with a heavy heart.
"Aww baby, I could've told you that. Did she tell you?" my mom raised her eyebrows and grinned at me.
"No, I kind of figured it out. Did everyone else know but me?" I questioned my whole existence.
"Oh yes sweetie. The way that girl looks at you. The way she talks about you. How she'll ride for you. You were just oblivious to the fact. It's not a bad thing," mom answered me. I didn't know what to say.
"Tess, do you feel the same way?" my mom asked me the forbidden question.

Do I?

~AN; Please Comment!! I would love feedback!!
Let me know if you like the story so far. Thank you.

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