Chapter 9

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It's been a whole week since I fought with the Bianchi's. I know I said that I was going to go back, but I just haven't yet. None of them seem to care either.

I get out of Leo's arms and wander around the house. My ADHD has gotten so out of hand since I left. It's not that I'm personally scared of the Bianchi's or anything, but the thought that they could take me away from Leo and the kids with a simple call to foster care has me shaking and needing to be moving.

I also think I'm pregnant too. It's really early to tell, but I just have a feeling about it. I make it to the kitchen and decide to get a glass of water.

Gulping it all down, I peek at the clock and see that it's 12:30 in the morning. I mentally curse myself out for being awake at this time. I'm definitely going to be tired later in the day.

Just as I'm about to put the glass in the dishwasher, a loud crack comes from outside in one of the bushes. I jump at the noise and my heart beat rises. I see a body dressed in full black run to the big window in the main room.

I've never ran so fast up the stairs to Leo. I shake him awake, which of course takes forever. "What's wrong love?" He asks me in a drowsy voice. "Someone is here," I tell him. He gets up immediately. "Where?" He asks in a serious voice. "Out front, by the bushes," I tell him. He nods and points for me to go to the kids room.

I run in, and grab the kids. I go into the bulletproof room just right around the corner. I hide with the kids in a dark corner of the empty room.

Isadora holds onto me. "Mama, why are you shaking?" She asks in a sleepy voice. She looks up into my eyes, and immediately understands. "We have to be quiet," I say in a broken voice. She nods and sinks herself into me.

Whenever something like this happens, I'm reminded of my childhood. The way my uncle would beat me until the brink of death is upon me till he would finally stop. How vulnerable I felt, it all comes back to me.

After I ran away from my uncle, I wanted revenge. Not necessarily on him, but showing him that I'm better, That I'm capable of something, that I'm not the worthless piece of shit he always called me. So I became an assassin and I killed. A lot.

I didn't really stop until I met Leo and I saw how beautiful other people could be. I suddenly didn't want to kill them anymore, but rather help them. Since then, I've dreamed of being a physiologist. It'll probably never happen, but a girl can dream, right?

A shot runs out and suddenly I'm shaking again. Isadora starts to sob out of fear, and her brother does the same. I do my best to calm them down, but it all goes to shit when another one shoots.

Tears start to run down my cheeks as I pray to god that Leo didn't get shot. I can't do this without him. I'll kill myself if anything like that happens.

Suddenly the door bursts open. I immediately hug the kids to me and try to hide in the darkness. The figure comes closer, and closer, and closer. Almost as close as touching me. I know that It's not Leo though by the smell of the figure. It reeks of BO and the literal smell of death.

The figure was about to say something until Leo comes from behind and starts choking it. Leo throws the figures mask off to reveal Damion, My brother.

"What the fuck?!" I shout at him. Leo starts punching him and I hold the kids closer to my chest. "You.. killed.... Angelina.. You..... Don't.. Deserve to... live," he says while getting beaten by Leo.

I shake my head at this, and feel like slitting my throat at that name. I walk out the room and take the kids back to the nursery.

Isadora ended up passing out due to fear most likely, so I made sure that she was okay. I held my babies close to my chest as I lay in Isadora's bed.

Leo walks in with blood all down his shirt. "The house is all clear and I upped the security. I'm so sorry love," he says.

He takes off his shirt and comes and lays next to us. I dip my head in his neck soaking up his scent. "It's not your fault Amore," I tell him and give gentle kisses on his neck.

He nods and closes his eyes. "Are you hurt?" He asks. I shake my head no. "Are you?" I ask and he shakes his head no. I nod and close my eyes too. "We'll figure everything out in the morning, go to bed Amore," he says and gives me a light kiss on my forehead.

I nod and close my exhausted eyes.
Authors note real quick:::

To everyone reading, I'm sorry that this book is taking foreverrrrr. Believe me I understand and hopefully in the future I'll have better motivation. I also have had like 0 ideas for this book too, so sorry if this chapter felt weird for the story. This chapter was also really short too, so sorry about that. Basically what I'm trying to say is thank you for being patient and this chapter sucks.  All my love~ Author

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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