Chapter 2 - In Plain Sight

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Third person POV:

Lightning slapped a hand over his partner’s mouth, shooting a glare at him.

“What?” he protested, his words muffled. “It's true!”

Gaty looked up at Snowball, eyes still puffy from crying. “I just- she- there's no-” She paused for a moment, figuring out what to say. “SAW JUST DIED, OKAY? The recovery centres got sucked up, so there's no way we can get her back, you dumbass! She's gone forever!”

Snowball tore Lightning's hand off his face and stepped closer to Gaty, scowling. “What the fuck did you just call me?” he yelled, cracking his knuckles.

The wooden fence backed up, fear instantly replacing the fury that bubbled inside her as Snowball lifted his arm above her and brought it down. She ducked, the hit narrowly missing her head and instead colliding with a shorter, smoke-grey figure.


Crimson blood splattered all over the nearby objects, some gagging and a few even turning around to throw up, the revolting smell of vomit filling the air that was thick with tension. Organs littered the ground, several still attached to the now lifeless body.

For five seconds, everyone stood still, processing what had happened until Balloony spoke up.

“Why did you do that?” he yelled. “He was so young, and-”

Snowball rolled his eyes, dragging his foot on the grass to wipe off the brain matter that stuck to it. “Blame the armless wimp.” He gestured towards Gaty, who was trembling in fear, blood staining her face.

“He just died!” the teal balloon cried. Tears rolled onto the ground, where the blood was starting to dry up.

Annoyed, Snowball picked up a sharp piece from Rocky's remains, and in a heartbeat, stabbed Balloony's head. Once again, guts spilled all over the spectators. All the objects stared in disbelief at the murderer and Cloudy, who was hovering above Balloony's head, floated slightly higher, just out of Snow Ball's reach. Maybe they were all shocked because of the soft side he had shown recently around Grassy or his closest friends, and they had forgotten what he was really like.

Gaty’s eyes widened and she witnessed the scene. Three slaughters in just a few minutes. She couldn’t even handle Saw’s death, and now this? It was too much for her. She sprinted towards the forest, to the only place where she could think to herself without the constant chatter and chaos, where she could relax without being judged or hated.

Little did she know, that was a mistake.



“Get out of here!”



Voices were raised so high that someone in Yoyleland could probably hear them, and blood flew in all directions. To most people, it was a petrifying fight bound to cause many deaths.

But to her, it was the perfect distraction.

As bones crunched and limbs were ripped off and screams filled the air, she pulled Saw’s body, and a sample vine, into her underground factory. The commotion became muffled with every step she took until she finally reached the bottom, sighing in exhaustion; dragging a body taller than her was arduous. Golf Ball shoved the body onto a smooth metal table and set the plant on a stool, where she carefully picked up a scalpel and meticulously dragged the blade across Saw’s throat. Beads of sweat rolled down her face. One little mistake or extra cut could ruin everyth-

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