Chapter 3 - No Room For Fear

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Third person POV:

“Gosh…why do they have to be like this…”

Tennis Ball rested his back against the rough, textured bark of a tall tree, his lime-green eyes gradually closing as he patiently waited for the surrounding chaos to die down. It felt like an eternity, though only a few minutes had passed. Before fully closing his eyes, he snuck a glance at Golf Ball who was propped against his side.

“What the…”

There were no bloodstains on her head anymore, and the wound seemed like it had healed, giving the impression that the incident never occurred. He sighed and closed his eyes, wondering if he was just imagining things.

I must be hallucinating.

I really have to stop taking drugs…

The sound of crickets chirping grew more audible as he drifted into a deep sleep, muffling the voices around him. Enormous clouds danced in the sky, casting shadows and sending a cool breeze over the grass which made the foliage made up of leaves above his head rustle qquietly

In a sudden burst of panic, he let out a shrill scream and leapt up as he felt a small creature with countless legs scurrying up his leg. Without wasting a moment, he frantically brushed it off.

“Shut up…”

As soon as the voice pierced through the air, the sports ball came to an abrupt halt, freezing in his tracks like a lifeless statue.

“GB? Are you okay?”

With a flare of anger in her voice, she retorted, "Of course, I'm fine!" Her tone made it clear that she was far from fine, but she didn't want to admit it. "Why wouldn’t I be?"

“Well…you nearly died in an explosion.”



Remember me?

As she struggled to regain consciousness, the memories started rushing back into her mind like a flood. The experiment and the peculiar plant were all vividly etched into her memory. As she attempted to rise to her feet, an overwhelming wave of numbness washed over her entire body.

The sensation was so intense that she lost her balance and fell backwards onto the soft grass, her head colliding with the rough bark of the nearby tree, causing a sharp pain to shoot through her skull.

Poor little thing! Can’t even stand up anymore!


With a firm clench of her jaw, she raised her gaze towards Tennis Ball, who appeared to be anxious. He motioned towards the surrounding objects, who had stopped fighting, indicating that they were drained of energy.

She could sense his hesitation. He seemed nervous and unsure about what to do. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke up, "Do you want to go help or..." He trailed off, as if afraid to finish the sentence.

Her voice was laced with frustration as she yelled, "I told you I'm fine!" She took a deep breath and continued, "I just need to sit down for a bit." He nodded, trying to hide the concern etched on his face, and made his way towards the group, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

And me!~

I already know that! No need to remind me!

I was just worried you had forgotten about our little conversation!


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