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Finally after kissing him, I let him go.

I looked at his face, all his emotions, he was feeling happy inside. Than I looked at his eyes. The same set of eyes who made my pregnancy the worst to deal with. Even though it was never my fault. The rush of hatred ran inside my veins and I was completely devasted at what I had done.

Sam: "Yuri, I knew, I knew you love me so much, you dont know how happy I am"
Yuri: "You have destroyed every single thing in my life, I want you to leave my house and my life forever. This child is fatherless, you understand."
I said angrily.
Sam: "Yu, you are not thinking straight baby. Please understand this. I cannot live without you and our child"
He said with numb eyes. He tried to come near me.
Yuri: "I dont want to listen to you any more. Get out of my property Samuel"
I snapped at him.

He was looking at me with hope in his eyes.
I sat with anger all over me.

He left quitely.

'After everything that he did. He does not deserve to be in our lives. My mother had to take care of me and my child in the tough times. I just hope he moves on and let me live my life.'

Sam went back home, he started looking at all of his and Yuri's pictures.

'What have I done? I just cant live like this'
He sat and he began crying.

He did not went to clinic for next days.

His mother called.
On call:
Sam: "Hello"
Martha: "Samuel... where are you? I have called like 1000 times and all of them went unanswered. Where the hell are you? And where is Yuri? She is also not answering my calls."
Sam: "Well, me and her are not really on good terms mom"
Martha was confused
Martha: "What do you mean by that?"
Sam: "We are separated. She is pregnant"
Martha: "Dont tell me that child is not yours Samuel. I swear to god that woman is a whore."
She said angrily.
Sam: "Mom. That is my child."
Martha: "Than what is it. I bet it is about that bitch of a mother she has. That bloody Lin has a new toy dont you know"
Sam was confused.
Sam: "What?"
Martha: "Lin is dating some guy from last 3 years. Some robert. He is a chef i guess."
Sam: "What are you saying mom. Are you serious?"
Martha: "Yes."
Sam smirked.

1 week later.

Sam continued to call yuri, she kept avoiding his calls. He even went to see her but she never answered the door. She wanted to stay away from him.

Sam was turning angry at Yuri for avoiding him like this.

He went to Yuri's home again.
Robert opened up the door.

Rob: "Hi, may I help you?"
Sam: "Well, what are you doing here? I've never seen you here before. Where is Lin and Yuri?"
Rob was confused.
Rob: "You must be Sam. You have the guts to be here"
He said annoyed. Lin walked towards the door.
Lin: "What are you doing here?"
Sam: "I am here to see my wife. She is not answering any of my calls and not even seeing me"
He said frustrated.
Lin: "This is the last time I am telling this to you Samuel. Leave my daughter and her child alone. You do not belong with them. Let them live."

Yuri woke up from her sleep listening to the voice. She was already dealing with stress and anxiety.

She went downstairs with her 7 months pregnant belly and saw Lin, Rob and Sam talking.

Yuri: "What's going on here?"
She asked confused.
Lin: "Nothing honey. Just go back to sleep. We will handle it."
She answered.
Sam looked at Yuri. It has been weeks since he last see her.

Sam: "Yuri, I want to talk to you. You cannot just ignore me like. We are still legally married."
He said angrily.
Yuri: "Mom. I need a minute alone with him."
She said.
Lin: "Hon..."
Yuri: "Please mom."
Lin: "Okay. We'll be in the hallway"
Yuri nodded. Lin and robert left.
Yuri: "What do you want now Samuel."
Sam: "You. And our baby. Thats what I want."
Yuri: "I am so done listening to this Samuel. After torturing me my whole pregnancy and making my baby suffer. Now you want us back? Why. Why now Sam? Are you not done torturing us? This is my first pregnancy and it was supposed to be beautiful, Sam."
She said angrily.
Sam: "Yuri, I know what I have done and I am sorry for it. But we both kissed last time we met. You cannot just cut me out like that. I want you to come home and live with me. Let me take care of you in these upcoming few months baby"
He said getting frustrated.
Yuri: "That was a mistake. You know what...."
Sam felt broken.
Yuri: "Loving you was a mistake Sam. Being with you was a mistake. Marrying you was a mistake."
Sam felt like his entire world has torned apart. The rage was rising up in his entire body. He never expected such words from his weak wife. He hated hearing these things from her.
Yuri: "Just leave me and my baby alone."
Sam: "So, are you saying, anything that I will do cannot make you come back to me?"
He asked with anger
Yuri: "No Samuel. I dont want to be with you. You are harmful for my child."
Sam hated what he heard. He wanted to take his anger out in any way.
Sam: "Okay"
And he left her home in rage.

To be continued.

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