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"You are harmful for my child. Just leave us alone. Loving you was a mistake. Marrying you was a mistake."

Yuri's words were echoing inside Sam's mind.

He was angry. He was drinking his imported bourbon. He wanted to make Yuri regret what she said.

"She thinks this is so easy? Being away from me. We are married from last 4 years for god's sake."
He threw the whiskey glass.

"I love her from each one of my bones. That child inside her womb is mine. I have all the rights on her and my unborn child. I will not let it go so easy Yuri."

He took out Yuri's picture from his bedside table.

"You have done it wrong. You have challenged a wrong man Yuri. You just dont know what all I can do. What all levels I can reach just to have what is mine. You and that baby inside you is mine. And I will break you at that edge where you will have no option but to come back to me Yurilenne. I will make you come back to me."
He said in pure rage planning his revenge.

Robert and Lin were sitting and drinking coffee near the dining table.
Robert's reports were on the table.

Rob: "I dont know how this is gonna work out?"
Lin: "Honey, dont worry. Everything will be fine. You had to travel all the way here because it was essential for your treatment"
Rob: "Yes, my doctor suggested to meet some doctor here. I dont recall his name. It is there in the email. He says that..."
Rob was upset.
Listening to Rob being upset, lin also felt sad.
Rob: "He said, that surgeon is my last hope. That surgeon is known as the best for Maze surgery."
He said with a tear in his eye.
Rob: "Well, I dont have much time left Lin"
He said taking her hand in his hand.
Rob has always been there with Lin since Yuri went against her to get married to Sam and left her alone.
Rob got diagnosed with severe cardiac disease.
Lin started crying.
Lin: "You know what honey. I will not let anything happen to you at any cost. You are my life partner. I will not give up this easy. I am pretty sure this will work out."
Rob smiled.
Rob: "Yeah. My doctor has already scheduled an appointment with this doctor for tomorrow at 13:00. Will you join me?"
Lin: "Obviously love."
She kissed him.

Yuri was sitting inside her room.
Her eyes had dark circles. She was not eating well. She was always stressed. She lost a lot of weight.

Her phone rang.
She saw the message. It was from Sam.

"This is going to be ugly. You know me well. I will do all the bad things to get what's mine. Even if it means that I need to make your mother's life hell."

Yuri got scared reading the message.

Yuri immediately called Sam.

Sam: "Hello, beautiful"
Yuri: "What do you want Samuel. Just leave my mom out of this. She does not have anything to do in this."
She said worriedly.
Sam: "Yes she does. You are involving my child in this keeping me away from it. So I will involve your mother in this too my love."
He said calmly with dripping venom in his voice.
Yuri: "You cannot do this. She supported me when you left me. She took me in. You can do whatever you want with me but not her."
She said with tears filling in her eyes.
Sam had a blank face. His mind was already filled with rage.
Sam: "I am a strong believer of giver and receiver. Tomorrow morning your mother will be unemployed, the very first step of her being destroyed."
Yuri was not able to stop her tears. She hold her belly.
Yuri: "Dont do that to my mom, please Samuel. Why are you doing this? Why are you making my pregnancy so difficult."
She said while her voice started breaking on call due to crying.
Sam: "I was certainly a mistake for you Yurilenne. Well I must correct you. I am not just a mistake, I am a horrible nightmare that you will live everyday till the day you decide to walk back to me with my baby."
He threatened her.
Sam: "Every single day that you will not return to our home, you will make your mother's life more difficult."
He said with blank expressions smoking a cigarette in his balcony.
Yuri continued to cry.
Yuri: "My baby dont deserve this. I will never jeopardize my baby for you Samuel. I am never coming back. We have nothing to do with you."
She said angrily.
Sam laughed histerically.
Sam: "Oh god. I guess you still have not come to the realisation, my wife. I have not signed the divorce papers, I have burnt them already. You are not getting away from me. You are mine. The child inside you is mine. You both belong to me. I must remind you that if you continued to keep me away from my heir, I can even take you to court for that. You are already familiar with the prison environment right?"
He said with rage in his voice.
Yuri was scared. She did not knew what to respond.
She disconnected the call and continued crying holding her 7 months pregnant belly.

Next day.

Yuri woke up and went downstairs. She saw her mother and Rob sitting together. Her mother looked upset.

Yuri: "Mom"
Lin looked at Yuri and gave a small smile. Her face was upset and worried but she tried to hide it.
Yuri: "What happened ma? Is everything ok?"
Yuri was worried. She knew Sam is a Man of his words.
Lin: "Nothing honey. Come let me make you breakfast."
Yuri: "No mom. I can see it on your face. Tell me.... Rob? What 1appened"
She asked worried.
Rob looked at lin. Than looked back at Yuri.
Rob: "Your Mom got a call from the school. They asked her to leave."
Yuri was shocked. She sat on the chair holding her belly thinking about Sam's warning.
Lin: "Honey, its alright. It was just a job."
Yuri: "I am sorry Mom."
She hugged her mother.
Lin did not said anything. She hugged her daughter back.

At 1pm. Lin and Rob went towards the clinic.

Lin: "Well, I know this hospital."
Rob: "Really"
Lin nodded yes. Lin was worried and confused at the same time.

Rob and lin were at the waiting area.

Nurse: "Mr. Robert Hickson. Dr. Feinstein is ready for you"
Nurse called Rob. Lin was shocked listening to the name.
She still followed Rob just to reconfirm. Her fear turned into reality.

"Please come in Mr. Hickson. I was looking at your file shared by Dr. Henry"
and he looked at the patient.

Rob and lin stood shocked.
Sam gave a histeric laughter.

To be continued.

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