Why ME?

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Monday, June 1st.

It was shockingly warm for it being 5:30 AM. I sat up in the front seat of my uncle's SUV, watching the lively trees out my window fly by. I glanced down at the paper in my lap, the sheet music to my band "Incandescence", that I'm supposed to memorize before we record in the studio three months from now. I feel my dad turn a corner into my school parking lot, lo and behold my two story beige school being right in front of us.

I looked over to my right and let out a groan as I saw the familiar blonde and brown dreads, standing by his black spiky hair twin brother; Tom Kaulitz, and Bill Kaulitz. My rivals in music, and my childhood best friends from Germany. Bill was still a great friend of mine, but Tom and I on the other hand... Let's just say we hated one other straight to the core. I still remember the day our friendship took a toll for the worst.

In grade seven, before we came here to Los Angeles as foreign exchange students for high schoo--l, I had come up to him after forming the band I mentioned earlier with our other friends in Germany. He was super supportive, until he found out the group was an emo-pop/glam-rock band like his and Bill's band "Tokio Hotel." And when I tell you how badly he flipped out when I told him I was a guitarist in the band... I swear I've never heard him yell that loudly at me. Since then, neither of us saw anything but each other's competition. It was like none of our childhood happened, all those memories were gone in a flash.

"What's up, Del?" My uncle Tim, asked as he glanced over at me, "Are you suddenly upset that you're leaving me for a month to go to Japan?" He added on, I could hear the grin in his voice. "Yeah Tim, it's just that." I said back, making sure that my tone was dripping with sarcasm as I grinned at him. The car pulled into the parking lot, pulling to a halt.

I watched as Tom and Bill began to strut up to Tim's SUV, some of the widest smiles on their faces. Because we were friends back in Germany, they knew my whole family. Our parents were originally friends back in high school as well, so that made it even harder to avoid them. We're now in the tenth grade, or as you Americans would call it, sophomore year.

"That's what's up." I threw in just before Tim rolled down the window, Tom and Bill walking over to my window. "Hey there, Mr. Albrecht!" Bill spoke up in a cheery voice as his 6'4 frame leaned into the window, the spikes in his hair touching the roof of the vehicle. Bill looked down at me and smiled every so slightly as a hello, I responded with a nod.

"Hey Bill, long time no see!" My uncle called out with a smile. I sat there uncomfortably as they chatted with each other for the next five minutes. I looked down at my phone, the time flashing up at me. 5:40. I looked up at my uncle and showed him my phone, silently telling him I had to go. He simply nodded as he waved for Bill to move out of the way so I could get out.

Bill moved, and I got out right after. I still felt intimidated by their heights, just like how I did when I was younger. I mean, come on! A 5'7 woman, standing next to 6'4 and 6'2 boys. I grabbed my guitar out of the backseat, I treat this guitar like my baby. It's a red, sparkly Jackson Flying-V that I had gotten custom made with the money I saved up since I was three.

"Here, let me carry that." Tom spoke up with an annoying tone and a devilish grin plastered across his face. I let out a scoff as I looked him up and down. Technically, yes, I was checking him out, but not in a 'hes kind of attractive' kind of way. "Last time I let you carry my guitar, you dropped it and smashed it!" I called out as I scrunched my nose in disgust. "You're still hung up about that?" He said in monotone, "That was fourth grade." He added on with a more irritated tone this time. "I don't care if it was fourth grade or yesterday, I'm not letting you hold this!" I snapped at him, "I spent more than five thousand dollars on this guitar to get it custom made!" I added on.

The Tune of Heartstrings - Tom KaulitzDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora