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6:00 AM

Through the thick door you could still hear the loud chatters of the freshmen, juniors, seniors, and sophomores who just got off of the early arrival bus passing through the bustling hallway. For some odd reason, those were always the more energetic bunch of kids.

Crrrrk- "Attention Music club students!" The principal rang out over the announcements, "Your bus has arrived for the airport!" He said before the crack of the phone hanging up sounded over the speakers for a moment.

"Alright everyone! Line up with your partner, boys on the right and girls on the left!" Mrs. Ashdown called out as her teaching partner Mrs. Marples entered the classroom. I groaned as I stood up to follow after the running Tom, who desperately wanted to get to the front of the line so we could sit in the back.

I stood next to him on the left, side-eyeing up at him. I heard him snort a laugh as he looked down at me. "Could you lighten up a bit?" He asked. God, I hate him. I glared at him, "I'm tired." I snapped at him before looking away.

I wasn't actually tired at all because I had gone to bed at like 7 o'clock and chugged a carton of Arizona Ice Tea, I just didn't want to tell him I didn't want to sit with him for some reason... He laughed again at me, "Oh right, you can sleep on me when we get on the plane." He grinned, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

I grumbled as I left the classroom. I looked behind me and my eyes laid on the exhausted Eve, who stood next to Bill. I reached my hand behind me and did that grabbing motion. She took that as a signal and grabbed my hand, her coffee and suitcase in her other hand.

Tom looked over and raised an eyebrow while we walked to the coach bus outside of the school. The sounds of suitcases and instruments clanging in their cases filled the hallways, which I was hoping would once again drown out his annoying voice. But just with my luck, I could still hear him.

"Are you two lesbians?" He questioned suspiciously. Bill snickered behind him. I rolled my eyes and just didn't answer, knowing that it'll piss him off. And just like I thought, he got pissed. "Hello?" He asked, his voice faintly audible over the clatter. I ignored him once again as he just scoffed, leaning down to me and whispering "Lesbo..." just to annoy me. He's always known how to push my buttons as I snap to look over at him, his head at eye level for once. "Would you kno- -ck it off?!" I called out, causing Mrs. Marples to look back at me since she was standing in front of me.

"Delilah, watch your volume." She warned, and I quickly shut up as I didn't want to lose my plac--e of being one of her favorites. As soon as she turned around, no longer able to see me, I heard Tom giggling and I elbowed him really hard in the ribs which caused my suitcase to stutter behi- -nd me. He winced slightly, but kept giggling.

We got outside and the tall, black travel bus could be seen in front of us. I don't think I've ever seen Tom run that fast towards something like he did then. No, actually I have; back in fifth grade when he chased Bill with a snake in his hands, knowing his twin brother was terrified of them. Mrs. Ashdown was stunned as she had him run past her and through the door of the bus, Bill following right after him as they both dropped their suitcases off, Tom leaving his guitar as well.

Mrs. Ashdown and Mrs. Marples shook their heads almost in unison as they looked at each other, then back to us. "They're quite hyper aren't they?" Mrs. Marples questioned as Eve and I put our suitcases down, my guitar being placed on top. I groaned and nodded in response. "We went to Japan for a week in fourth grade, and they loved it." I responded, "So they're quite excited to go back there after multiple years of not being there." I added on before falling silent. The teachers both laughed and nodded, going through the paper tickets they had. Mrs. Ashdown handed me and Eve two plane tickets each; two for us, and two for the twins.

"Thanks." I murmured out as Eve and I climbed into the bus.

It didn't take us long to find the twins, both of them taking up two seats and leaning against the window. I walked down the aisle that was lined with white LEDs so if it were to have been dark we still could've seen where we were walking. The windows were huge, like clear sheets of glass. But that's obvious because they're, well, windows.

I could hear Eve behind me, knocking into everything as she walked. She's still half asleep as I walked forwards a little bit so she could sit down next to Bill, and she did not hesitate to sit down on his legs which caused him to yelp and pull them out from under her. I laughed a little as I looked down at Tom, my smile falling as I realize hes still completely stretched out on the seats.

"I want the window seat." I argued, "Or even just a seat in general." I gesture towards his legs being over the seats. "You've got a seat." He laughed at me and continued to pat his lap. My face immediately lit up in an embarrassed blush, almost instantly getting flustered by him even suggesting it.

"Save it for one of your groupies!" I shout at him, "Now move!" I added on. He grinned at me and sat up from laying down, but kept his legs up on the seat as he crossed his arms, almost daring me to make him move. "If you don't want me to puke on you then move." I advised him. Just from me telling him that, he moved almost immediately.

I sat down in the seat, the buckle underneath me annoying me. I pulled it out from under me and sat back down on the cushions. The chairs were all rows of two, which is mainly the reason why everyone was put into duos. They were a red with little blue specs all over it, the fabric being woven. They were surprisingly comfortable, but there were no outlets.

I looked down at my phone to look at the battery. 19%, and on low power mode. Great.

"Ohh, your phone's dead?" Tom's voice right next to mine scared the hell out of me. My head snapped over to look at him, his face about 15 inches away from mine, looking over at my shou- -lder at my phone. "Do you not know how to mind your own business?" I snarled at him slightly, turning my body so he couldn't see my phone screen. "Who are they?" He asked again, pointing to my lock-screen. I scoffed and looked at him, he was sitting up on his knees like a begging dog just to read over my shoulder.

I looked back down at my lock-screen, forgetting what it was for a moment. As I looked back down, it was a photo shoot I did with my band. 

Eve was standing up at the front, slightly off to the left as she was setting up the microphone, her blonde hair in two little french braids. She had a bright smile on her face as she was laughing at herself, trying to get the microphone wire untangled.

Behind her, you could see our drummer Isabelle. She looked like a typical Wattpad girl who got sold to One Direction because she wasn't making enough money for her evil aunt who adopted her because her family died in a car crash when she was two. In other words, her ash-blonde hair was up in a messy bun and she was re-tying her converse on her drum-set while she was laughi- -ng and looking up at Eve.

On the right side of the screen was Miri, our bassist. Her short black hair was done up in two pigtails, her tanned skin complimenting the color of her hair. Her outfit was basic but still really cute, and the grin she had went along with everything. And then there was me...

I was sitting on top of my amp, practicing a song on my guitar. My hair was up in a ponytail with a green bandanna that matched with my shirt, my bangs hanging out the front of it. My mouth was open slightly as I was talking at that moment, a smile spread across my lips as I was mockin- -ng Eve. I never realized how much I looked like Tom in that photo.

"My band." I explained to Tom, glancing up at him as he is still perched to look over my shoulder at my phone. "Why are you all so... smiley?" He asked, his nose was scrunched up like he was disgusted. "I was making fun of Eve for not being able to untie the microphone wire." I said.

"Please, never smile again." He added on. I scoffed and pushed his face away as he laughed.

This was going to be one hell of a trip.

The Tune of Heartstrings - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now