False Security

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8:30 AM

Our bus finally arrived at the LAX, and unlike Miley Cyrus's song, the Hollywood sign was not on our right. The teacher did role call one more time, and I looked over at Tom. That dumb ass was fast asleep in his chair, headphones in on either side so he couldn't hear anything.

"Tom?" Mrs. Ashdown asked, "Tom??" She called out again as she looked around the bus from where she was standing. I elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to snap awake with raspy coughs. "What was that for?!" He choked out. I looked at him, then gestured to Mrs. Ashdown with my eyes. He quickly caught on and took out an earbud, shooting a glare at me before speaking up. "Here." He croaked out tiredly.

He was the last one on the list, which meant the process of getting off the bus was our next issue. I stood up, expecting him to stand up... but he just stayed sitting down. I looked down at him as the bus clamored with students trying to get up and out of the bus with their partner as soon as possible.

"What are you doing? Get up." I demanded as I kicked his shin, demanding him to get up. He just moaned in exhaustion as a reply, standing up a few seconds after.

His tall figure let him push us through. I held onto the back of his hoodie since he's a fast walker and knowing him he'd try to lose me in the airport. The two of us got off the bus and I continued to stay latched onto his hoodie. I grabbed out my black suitcase and my the case for my guitar, not realizing how our guitars looked identical. I picked it up, nearly dropping it almost immediately.

I grumbled to myself, shoving it into his chest so he'd hold it while I took my guitar out of his hand. The weight difference was very obvious as I saw him just nod, confirming it was his guitar. That was the problem with us both having Flying-V guitars; ours stood out among the rest of the music club's instruments, but not from each other. I'm going to have to put something on it or something so I could tell the difference.

Eve and Bill came up from beside us, once again bickering over something. I could only hear a few words and sentences being shot back and forth between the two of them as they grabbed their suitcases. "Du bist ein Scheißkerl!" Eve had said while grabbing out her pink suitcase. The fact she could call someone a bastard, but couldn't remember what bread shocked me, yet made me laugh as I eavesdropped on their argument.

"Ich bin Scheißkerl? ICH BIN SCHREIßKERL?! Du bist eine Schlampe!" Bill argued back, shoving her to the side when she finished up getting her suitcase. For those who don't speak German, he called her a slut. The shove he gave her caused her to bump into me, causing a chain reaction for me to bump into Tom. I was about to apologize, until I looked up at him and realized he was glaring at me behind his black wrap-around glasses. I scoffed and played it off like I meant to do it, muttering out "bitch..." just to piss him off.

His still partially asleep ass continued to glare at me before walking as soon as I struck up a conversation with Eve. I grumbled and chased after him as we caught up to our class.

We checked in, went through security no problem. Tom got stuck at the metal detector though since something kept beeping in his pants.

"Empty out your pockets." The officer commanded. "I already did!" Tom snapped at the officer with a glare. Eve and I stood there giggling at the sight of him getting in trouble with the police, the look of pure embarrassment when the male officer began to pat him down, feeling around his crotch and down his inner things was amusing to us. Before I could even get out the sly remark I was going to say, he already shouted "Shut up!" at me which caused me and Eve to laugh even harder.

Eventually, they realized that the metal detectors were picking up the metal that was on his belt and they let him go. He got back over to Eve, Bill and me with all his stuff and a very embarrasse- -d and pissed off look on his face. I was still giggling and making fun of him, until we turned to join everyone. This said "everyone" was no longer present with us in the security area, and panic began to rise in all of us. Or maybe just me, but I kept my cool.

The Tune of Heartstrings - Tom KaulitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora