See You Again Pt.1

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Author's Note: I wasn't going to make a NSFW part later on but I've decided to use the chance to have the characters get into some real heavy romanticism and get them to be one with eachother before the departure. I'll suggest you guys to skip ahead a few paragraphs if it's not something you'd like to see. (HEAVY NSFW.)

I also apologize for pulling a two parter, but this way it'll be better in the second chapter when everything finishes.


Ash slowly took a breath, adjusting his eyes. He looked down, to Serena who was washing herself. He sighed. "Give me that, you dork..." Serena drooped her head backwards, smiling over her shoulder. "Thank you, baby.~" Ash scrubbed her hair, carefully straightening it out with his hand while he held the strands in their place with his other. "You like being pampered like this, don't you?" She laughed. "Yeah."

Ash shook his head, in awe. "You seriously keep on getting even cuter and cuter by day, it's not fair." She shrugged. "You get hotter and hotter by day, how's that fair?" Ash playfully bonked her in the head. "Touchè, I guess." He then brought the shower head down, careful to not boil her alive. He adjusted the water until it was just about warm, before he took it to her hair and washed everything down. "Okay, it's done love." Serena turned around, holding her head up high and letting the water travel down her hair and body. "Look at you, being all affectionate verbally."

Ash facepalmed out of embarrassment. "Shut it." She shook her head. "Yeah, no."

Then, Serena hugged him, which caught Ash by surprise. "What are you doing, Serena...?" Serena buried her face into his chest, wrapping herself around him. "Just want to... be as close to you as possible. I don't know when will be the next time we meet, be it the leauge or the training, so I want to... enjoy you." Ash took that in, letting it sink. "Do as you please then, dear." He replied back, wrapping himself around her back. It was as intimate as Ash thought it would be, Serena's chest touching his, her feeling his every little bump and scar he collected throughout the years, him feeling every little curve she had... It was straight out of the romance movies he'd see as a kid back then, that he never thought he'd live. Everything about it was perfect. Serena then, looked up at him, which made him look at her back. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just admiring you..."

Ash smiled. "Ash, actually..." She started off, not having the confidence to finish it. "I actually have one last request, if it's... possible." Ash smiled, to reassure her. "What is it, sweetheart?" Serena blushed even harder, to which Ash realized it was something taboo again. "I..." She started off, Ash waiting for her. "I want to be with you." He tilted his head. "What do you mean?" He grinned. "We already are, silly." Serena shook her head silently, nodding to his lower half and then hers. "I... want you to feel the heat inside me." She said, resting her head at his heart. "I can feel your heartbeat, and I want you to hear mine. I want you to feel this desire inside me, this fire that I can't put out alone." She slowly let her fingers travel up to his neck, where she hugged him. "I want you to put that fire out, to save me.~"

Ash gulped, as he was at a loss for words. The last thing he expected to happen, had happened and now, there was nothing else to distract them from it. There was no Clemont or Bonnie, no Team Rocket or Team Flare, no GYM battles or PokeVisions, it was just the two of them. He knew this day would come, he kind of hoped for it. Though, his tendency to never imagine this type of scenario, to push it to the side whenever it came to his mind was what made Serena like him in the first place. Any other guy would have taken advantage of her already by now, yet he had no intention of doing so. Serena loved that, she admired it. She wanted to show Ash just how good he could feel with her, how they could truly and even physically, be one together. She wanted to protect his innocent, dense and leader self, that's for sure. But she also wanted to ruin it, to ruin his innocence, to hear his groans and to feel him. This, wasn't enough. She needed to put this fire out, she had to satisfy this urge, this desire she had. She knew even if Ash didn't want to do it, he wouldn't try to turn her down completely, but something in the way he looked, how he was slightly blushing over his signature birthmarks on his cheeks, it all led her to feel as if he also knew, as if he also hoped for it.

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