"No Hook Ups"

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Beyoncé's P

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Beyoncé's P.O.V.

It's been two years since my husband was killed while on police duty. My worst fear has always been getting that call. The call that my husband had been fatally shot. And well, my worst fear unfortunately came true. I never wanted him to have such a dangerous career. But it was his dream job and what he had wanted to do since he was a little boy. So of course I had to be the good wife and support his aspirations. I wish he would've simply chosen to become a dentist or something though....

Having said all that, after two years of mourning and living a lonely single life, my friends, Onika and Megan, told me it was time to get back on the dating scene. Did I want to? Hell no! I couldn't imagine another man touching me outside of the man I had been with since I was sixteen! As ridiculous as it sounds, I always felt like I was cheating on my husband whenever I even entertained the thought of being with another man. I just couldn't do it!

"Bey, are you serious?! You can't spend the rest of your life alone! You should come with us to that new bar on Main Street. Maybe you'll meet somebody there", Onika suggested.

"Yeah, because you need a strong drink and a strong man to get your spirits back up", Megan said.

I was having a rough day, so they decided to come over and sit with me. On top of still grieving my husband, the family I was working for no longer needed me as their son's nanny. Basically because they were getting a divorce and shipping the eleven year old boy off to boarding school. Rich people get on my fucking nerves with their inconvenient bullshit!

"Y'all, maybe some other time. I gotta get up early tomorrow morning and go to a job interview. The governor and her wife need a nanny for their one year old", I explained.

"Wait, I thought Governor Rapp and her wife Fantasia had three grown daughters. At least that's what I read. She never really shows her kids", Onika said.

"It's probably for their protection. But apparently they have a toddler now and he needs a full time nanny. The pay is good as fuck so I need to be hired ASAP! ", I stated.

"Well you still need to start getting out more. You deserve to have someone in your life. Shawn would want that", Megan said.

I laughed. "No the fuck he wouldn't! He actually told me if he dies before me I better get in the ground with him. We were in high school when he said it but he meant that shit!", I exclaimed.

"Shawn was petty as hell! I miss his crazy ass!", Megan said as the three of us laughed.

"See, Shawn always made me laugh. No man will ever be able to make me laugh the way he did", I stated.

"How would you even know if you don't give another man a chance to, Beyoncé?", Onika asked.

I sighed. "I'm just not ready. Maybe someday, but today ain't the day."

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