part 18 ♡

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I sit up straight in bed, running my hand through my messed-up hair.
I check the time on my phone. I have an hour before I have to leave for school. I have a quick shower, and I get changed before i do my makeup.
I leave my room and go into the kitchen.

When i get there, my mom is standing at the kitchen counter. We've barely talked to each other since she told me about dad. I make some toast and drink some water.

I leave soon after that, not saying a word to my mother. I walk towards the stairwell, seeing sal walking down from floor 4. I smile. He notices me and we start walking to ashs car together.

I sit in my normal spot in ashs car, I yawn. I did not sleep well last night. I have to see aidan today, I barley slept because that's all I could think about. I look out the car window.

I'm dreading having to see aidan today. I'm still so angry at him. If he has the nerve to try and talk to me at all today, I'm gonna go insane. I turn my head to the side to see sal whispering something to larry. I lean in closer to him to hear what he's saying. He notices and turns around.

"Y/n, we're talking about your birthday, go away." He says, half jokingly. I smile and turn my head around to the window. We get to school soon after this.

I get out of the car and start walking towards the school. I see the group of people that aidan usually hangs out with. They're kinda staring at me and sal as we walk into the school together. I ignore them. Me and the others start walking to our lockers. Mine is separated from the others, so I walk there alone.

I check the time on my watch. I'm early for once. I walk slowly to my locker. I hope aidan won't try to talk to me today. He doesn't know that I saw the messages. I'm not allowing him to talk to me because he already has his shot to explain, to give me whatever exuse he had. He still got mad then. Even when I was the one who got hurt. So I doubt he cared much then. He had elle. Why would he care about his ex? I doubt elle survived any more than a month with him.

As I get closer to my locker, I see someone standing beside it. Oh my god. Its too fucking early for this.
Why is aidan at my locker? Why is he just standing there? Is he waiting for me? I continue to walk to my locker, praying he might go away once I get there. But why would he?

"Y/n!" He called as soon as he saw me, a group of people turned around and stared at me. I kept my head down as I walked towards my locker. I stand at my locker, next to aidan, looking anywhere besides his eyes. I open my locker door, covering aidans face with it. I don't say a word to him.

"Y/n. Please just let me talk to you. Literally, I'll be 5 minutes. I promise. Please." He says, his face still covered by my locker door and me still not looking at him. I sigh and close my locker, turning to him. Maybe I should just let him tell me whatever he wants to say. If I don't, he probably won't leave me alone. So, I'm gonna give him 5 minutes.

"What? You haven't left me alone since you left here, why?" I say to aidan as I look straight at him. He thinks for a second, his eyes flickering around the room before they meet mine again. I glare at him.

"Y/n. I'm sorry. I fucked up. and I want to talk about it." He finally says. I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, what about elle?" I ask, giving him a fake smile. He looks down at his shoes. Aidan is the kind of person to spend 300 dollars on shoes but not buy his girlfriend a gift for her 15th birthday. He sighs.

"S-she broke up with me. She didn't wanna do long distance." He stutters. Of course. That kinda sounds like his problem. And it's annoying me that he has the nerve to shit talk sal and then try and talk to me. I squint my eyes at him and give him an annoyed look.

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